Can this be made more along the lines of gang members contributing to it.
I mean base it on Ap rather than the current system.I'd also like to see smaller gangs have access to every crime!
In the organized crime "room" you click use ap for inteligence gathering etc and planning.
Its a good way to use up spare and unused AP.Depending on what crime your going for you could plough the ap into the planning of it.
Smaller gangs would benefit as they have access to every crime and as long as they put in enough planning it will succeed.
Lets face it the system as it is is pretty bland and relies alot on luck.
I want to see genuine results for hard work.
I am sure that a crack 3 man squad that have planned a huge crime very well,will do better than a 10 man squad of under prepared novices.
So to do a crime each member that participates would need to plough AP into the crime?
Boo to this suggestion.
Personal crimes are plenty to spend points on. Gang crimes are side jobs
I would like to see bigger crimes available tho...
Well the organized crimes come for free right now.Do you get pissed when they fail?
Wanna have some serious imput into the planning and outcome of the crime.I am talking about using spare AP.1 here and there.Obviously the more you put in the better.It could be like the skills page where it say's chance to succeed....
50% 80% 100%
You could get 100% as you would blackmail the cops lol so they dont respond or whatever.Thats part of the planning!
Lil gangs Can do the BIG organized crimes and have a real prospect of succeeding.
A 5 man gang of level 8 players could work together ploughing the ap into a crime knowing they will get a 40k bonus when it succeeds.
I really like this idea. The system we have now is really frustrating.
id like more organized crimes, maybe a 12 man, 15 man, and a 20 man, on the 20 man, you rob stims, nimbus etc
could the "bigger" gangs make more than 1 organized crimes in the same time?
a group of players can rob a small bank, and the rest could do a gang mug...
Sounds good.I think its unfair though that small gangs cannot do big crimes.I mean whats to say an elite small force is better than a large gang?Take the SAS or Navy seals, they operate in small teams to do they most difficult jobs.Small gangs can,in theory,Plan and execute a crime much better than a large one.
There is the problem.Organized crimes here work on gang size and a few other factors.I think it should be open to every gang and be planned with AP's.The more AP's used in the planning the better the chance for a result.
If nothing else it will encourage more gangs to be bought,will give the smaller players the chance to make a few dollar and will encourage teamwork.
Gang crimes are like free cash. Who doesn't like free stuff?
Why should it be free?Is not everything in this game about work,work and more hard work?.
Give us some tangible targets and we will do it.If we are made to work for our crimes then so be it.Why limit what crime to gang size.If players want it they will work for it :wink:
thrillhouse Wrote:Gang crimes are like free cash. Who doesn't like free stuff?
Yay for free stuff!!
I'm a fan of leaving Gang crimes along (except to offer bigger crimes to bigger gangs)