2006.Oct.23, 06:01 PM
2006.Oct.23, 06:12 PM
When I was president of the Southside Theafers, now the ALNG, I did everything for Playa that I could and he stabbed the gang in the back. So I would have to Koor.
2006.Oct.23, 06:48 PM
LuparKoor Wrote:I think the dislike for Playa (is that thuggish for "Player" or the spanish word for Beach?) stems from his joining gangs, begging for hand outs, then quitting and joining another gang for handouts. When we was part of southside theafers he sent a bunch of theafers emails begging for money to "'help the gang". It annoyed the main theafers, so we had Southside boot him. After this he apparently joined a couple of other gangs, bumming stuff off of them, inciting wars with southside, and then leaving to join a new gang and mooch stuff.
He's begged everyone for a free hand-out or "loan". I believe he was actually mail-banned once for begging.
2006.Oct.23, 10:47 PM
mhm, asked me to give joltinjoe, stimpacks, to bust joltinjoe out of jail, to give cash for upgrades, to give cash for weapons, to give cash for this, and that and thats girlfriend...
2006.Oct.25, 01:45 PM
so thats why i have so many enemys.....dont care
2006.Oct.25, 01:55 PM
LuparKoor Wrote:I think the dislike for Playa (is that thuggish for "Player" or the spanish word for Beach?) stems from his joining gangs, begging for hand outs, then quitting and joining another gang for handouts. When we was part of southside theafers he sent a bunch of theafers emails begging for money to "'help the gang". It annoyed the main theafers, so we had Southside boot him. After this he apparently joined a couple of other gangs, bumming stuff off of them, inciting wars with southside, and then leaving to join a new gang and mooch stuff.
Ive never actually incited a war all i said was GENsoldier wont stop attacking me i never set out to incite a war.So if i have annoyed anyone IM SORRY.
2006.Oct.25, 03:09 PM
I'm sure you apology will be noted by all. But might I make the suggestion that you make future attempts to rectify your previous actions and redeem yourself.
2006.Oct.25, 03:15 PM
I would do that but im in a lot of wars and get mugged every couple of minuites beleive me im trying.I ask everyone who ive bothered to give me a chance to redeem myself.