It's not the end of the world, dude. I would've liked a new shotty or something too but not having one is nothing to freak out about.
Did I mention just for me? I have seen post's asking for mid level weapons.The level 50 weapons are outdated and thats a fact.Either/or a district with no weapons after such an achievement by Raf is pathetic.favoritism at its worst!
not favoritism at all. level 50 is a bigger milestone than 60, just as far as numbers go. although, based on that, 22 is an odd number to have a big district... :/
i still stand by the concept that maybe zenith hasnt released new weapons for a reason, and people whining about old ones being outdated isnt a big deal for her.
zenith Wrote:Forgot to add the shop to the new server. Oops.
No shop is added.Thats it mothball XD
It's called 'hold your ass.' She might have something in development for when she does instate the level 60 shop.
congrats raf. your a beast.
Done with this now.Grats bro,sorry to hijack your congrats thread.
gimme that Z, O - L - O - F - T
dude chill, this game is constantly evolving....again I'd like to see new career abilities before anything else...imo we dont need new weapons right now, we just got those dumbarse skills everyone was griping about
agreed. i spent a year getting to level 10 mil only to see it worthwhile to spend on resistance points. i'm not even interested in getting a higher level yet