2008.Sep.11, 10:22 AM
2008.Sep.11, 10:23 AM
Many ways.
Too many new weapons would crash the economy and lower the value of the current weapons available (that most I dare say can not use anyway for now)
Designing (coding) new weapons already as we just got new ones not long ago and just for 10% maybe of AL people may not be a top priority.
Server switch may have put them on a back log things to do list.
Original desisgns and ideas may require thinking. (unless you want to see a T-850 or some easy upgrades)
New weapons would have to be balanced, and touch every single skill. From there, with those requirind a LOT of endurance and or intel, some may not be developped. They have the numbers for users vs weapon class. LEt's say 80% uses shotguns for example and trained skill for it. WOuldn't be fair to not develop other weapons for the others, but wouldn't be really worth it too.
I don't know. SOunds like the tag thingy. I'm sure it will happen at some point.
Too many new weapons would crash the economy and lower the value of the current weapons available (that most I dare say can not use anyway for now)
Designing (coding) new weapons already as we just got new ones not long ago and just for 10% maybe of AL people may not be a top priority.
Server switch may have put them on a back log things to do list.
Original desisgns and ideas may require thinking. (unless you want to see a T-850 or some easy upgrades)
New weapons would have to be balanced, and touch every single skill. From there, with those requirind a LOT of endurance and or intel, some may not be developped. They have the numbers for users vs weapon class. LEt's say 80% uses shotguns for example and trained skill for it. WOuldn't be fair to not develop other weapons for the others, but wouldn't be really worth it too.
I don't know. SOunds like the tag thingy. I'm sure it will happen at some point.
2008.Sep.11, 10:26 AM
Nah I dont buy it.There has been plenty of time to make new weapons.As for devaluing thats progress! The 50 weapons have been available for almost a full year! Talk about outdated!
I had better not post my true thoughts as I dont want a fed jail term!
I had better not post my true thoughts as I dont want a fed jail term!
2008.Sep.11, 10:27 AM
biffbaffboff Wrote:Nah I dont buy it.There has been plenty of time to make new weapons.As for devaluing thats progress! The 50 weapons have been available for almost a full year! Talk about outdated!
I had better not post my true thoughts as I dont want a fed jail term!
Do I hear a new poll?
2008.Sep.11, 10:28 AM
2008.Sep.11, 10:33 AM
mayb Raf made to 60 faster than Zen predicted? or maybe Zen was procrastinating on making it. it could still be in production and we just have to wait it out.
since theres an armor and no helmet(assuming theres none, i only know the armor), mayb it could be true
since theres an armor and no helmet(assuming theres none, i only know the armor), mayb it could be true
2008.Sep.11, 10:36 AM
i can see where both of you are coming from, but let me pipe in my $.02 real quick.
I am a fairly active player. I have been around for a year and a half, and I don't donate. My endurance is level 18 right now (finally), and I am ranked #77 at the moment. that means that it is likely that there are barely 50 people in AL that can use the level 20 endurance weapons as is.
For Zenith to make new weapons, it would probably make sense to either keep 20 END or increase the END requirement to a level that most players cannot touch. Yes, for some this would be exciting. But, in all seriousness, it would further the discrepancy between donator, non-donator, and casual gamer. Even non-casual gamers would not be able to afford more weapons like that.
It is great that Rafal reached 60, I know it will take me probably a year from now to do that myself, if not longer, but I don't think that we need new everything in every new district. Level 30 got us a new gun, and nothing else (when someone originally reached it), so why can't level 60 get us fancy new armor and nothing else? In any case, it's something new, and if Zenith thinks of a sweet new weapon for us, then she'll release it.
On top of that, as far as I am aware, Zenith is coming up with some really cool sh--, and most of her time has been absorbed by the server changes and petty arguments and all kinds of nonsense. So, honestly, even if I did have the END requirements for a fancy new weapon, I'd rather she spend her time working on this new stuff that would better everyone, rather than a new shotgun that I could use to spank that guy who was slightly stronger than me to begin with, which he will probably get in a week and then use it to spank me like he used to.
I am a fairly active player. I have been around for a year and a half, and I don't donate. My endurance is level 18 right now (finally), and I am ranked #77 at the moment. that means that it is likely that there are barely 50 people in AL that can use the level 20 endurance weapons as is.
For Zenith to make new weapons, it would probably make sense to either keep 20 END or increase the END requirement to a level that most players cannot touch. Yes, for some this would be exciting. But, in all seriousness, it would further the discrepancy between donator, non-donator, and casual gamer. Even non-casual gamers would not be able to afford more weapons like that.
It is great that Rafal reached 60, I know it will take me probably a year from now to do that myself, if not longer, but I don't think that we need new everything in every new district. Level 30 got us a new gun, and nothing else (when someone originally reached it), so why can't level 60 get us fancy new armor and nothing else? In any case, it's something new, and if Zenith thinks of a sweet new weapon for us, then she'll release it.
On top of that, as far as I am aware, Zenith is coming up with some really cool sh--, and most of her time has been absorbed by the server changes and petty arguments and all kinds of nonsense. So, honestly, even if I did have the END requirements for a fancy new weapon, I'd rather she spend her time working on this new stuff that would better everyone, rather than a new shotgun that I could use to spank that guy who was slightly stronger than me to begin with, which he will probably get in a week and then use it to spank me like he used to.
2008.Sep.11, 10:37 AM
I doubt if its taken a year to make a helmet or weapon.It aint coming. Pathetic!
2008.Sep.11, 10:43 AM
its not just about the time it takes to think of a new weapon or helmet just for you. its also priorities, and whether or not she wants to release new weapons in the first place. take a deep breath and relax for a second to take it all in
2008.Sep.11, 10:44 AM
Um..Didn't Zenith say 'she didn't get the shop up yet'? There might be something hidden away.