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Can we have a send item option aswell.Seriously, it is hard to send things to players.
In our gang i often get requests for stims and i often send them to the wrong ID.I'm not dyslexic but having an id like 24354 or 13232 is damn hard to remember.Ive lost track of the stims/items ive sent to inactive players lol.
I to am too guilty of sending items to wrong person.

Done it a few times but consider the loss my fault.
I dont see it as anyone's fault.I just think as we can send money to a player without hassle , a small change like this would stop any further mistakes.With the cost of items now at extremely high prices its only a matter of time before i'm sending an 800k item to the wrong player :roll: Especially when i am hungover!
why don't you copy the id you are sending it to and then paste it,it works better than remembering the id
If people can't copy and paste a UserID properly, we might as well ask Zen to change the game's name to "Awakened Retards"
BlackJeep Wrote:If people can't copy and paste a UserID properly, we might as well ask Zen to change the game's name to "Awakened Retards"
The way half the players get sucked into giving away their stuff you'd think it should have been renamed that eons ago... :roll:
BlackJeep Wrote:If people can't copy and paste a UserID properly, we might as well ask Zen to change the game's name to "Awakened Retards"
I too have sent stuff to wrong person but I must agree with blackjeep....Copy and paste it....virtually brain free operation.......
I'll have tp pull a Shadowkid and agree with both my friend in the Black Jeep and Howlsong.