To all those out there who tested out a ton of skills, or just wanted to see how some of the mechanics worked for different weapons are no longer in the skill that we started in (or maybe just misclicked a few times). I think there should be some sort of reallocation of skill points. Maybe we can get crazy with it and include some of the careers too... Like Manufacturing.
Be careful what you study.
Spend your limited time wisely.
Live with your decisions.
nah, my topic is completely different, but thanks for citing me

my point was that skills are right on top of each other, and it's easy to misclick
this kid is asking for something, like make studying one big career, and you can attribute your career points to a certain skill, so everyone gets 100 study points, and you can pick either shotgun or pistol or w/e u want later when u get an idea for weapons
doesn't really make too much sense in my opinion, since with careers you're simply using your career benefits to do certain things, but you can't read tons of books and then decide on what you learned later.
I just wanted some of my time back for having ranks in some places that could be in others.
I am totally against this. Make your mind up which direction you want to go and stick with it. No take-backs

How's about making some careers with a skill+ thing. You can convert career points for certain skills that're associated with it. -Totally Random.-
Instead of making the skill relocatable. Create some Duel Category Weapon for more option.
Hate to see skill wasted. :cry:
if I spend 8 years in med school can I then convert it into a astonomy degree?
didn' think so.