2008.Aug.22, 04:00 AM
2008.Aug.22, 09:29 AM
Wow.. For those that live in the Eastern Time Zone that stay up late.. and get up late.. Its must be good for them. Extra one hour of time for training and contest.
2008.Aug.22, 10:49 AM
I like central standard time. it's smack in the middle and if it ain't broke don't fix it as i always say
2008.Aug.22, 11:50 AM
unpredictabletex Wrote:I like central standard time. it's smack in the middle and if it ain't broke don't fix it as i always say
It doesn't matter what any of us like. The server currently sits in the midwest. The new server will be on the west coast. Server time reflects where the server is.
2008.Aug.23, 12:34 AM
Next stop... Octo-Core!
*Shreds a totally insane, guitar riff*

*Shreds a totally insane, guitar riff*

2008.Aug.23, 01:33 PM
Spent yesterday installing/configuring the new system. We are upgrading to the latest version of PHP and MySQL, which has in turn broken a lot of pages... so for most of yesterday and today I will be updating every single page on the new site.
Things are on schedule. We may have some "Notice" messages on some pages as we work out the code issues with the new system. These messages aren't errors, they are just warnings that PHP4 code needs to be updated to PHP5. There seems to be plenty of them, so after the transfer there may be some still around. Not to worry though, they are nag messages... they won't prevent you from doing anything you can now.
Things are on schedule. We may have some "Notice" messages on some pages as we work out the code issues with the new system. These messages aren't errors, they are just warnings that PHP4 code needs to be updated to PHP5. There seems to be plenty of them, so after the transfer there may be some still around. Not to worry though, they are nag messages... they won't prevent you from doing anything you can now.
2008.Aug.27, 02:42 AM
I seem to be ahead of schedule so we might actually get the new server up and running prior to the weekend. I've done a lot of load-testing on it and am very pleased with the results. Page load times are a tad faster but nothing that's going to knock your socks off. Under heavy load however it doesn't seem to slow down, unlike our current server. The nightly backup scripts have improved dramatically... going from 10 minutes on our current server to 30 seconds on the new server. I've almost eliminated all the code incompatibilities from our upgrade to the newest versions of PHP and MySQL, so pending any unforeseen issues we should be good to go ahead of schedule.
2008.Aug.27, 09:28 AM
thats cool! just out of curiosity is gymday b4 or after the move? if it goes that much faster i presume after the move would b better?
2008.Aug.27, 09:33 AM
Howlsong Wrote:thats cool! just out of curiosity is gymday b4 or after the move? if it goes that much faster i presume after the move would b better?
Well IF there is a gymboree day then it would more and likely be AFTER the move because of the excessive quickness that the new server has over the old one.
2008.Aug.27, 11:26 AM
zenith Wrote:The nightly backup scripts have improved dramatically... going from 10 minutes on our current server to 30 seconds on the new server.
thats amazing. i hate that 10 mins.