I dunno..I don't really care. It goes from someone complaining about them, to them needing new mods..
I'll throw myself down as the newest mod. :oops:
ingus you are a funny pratt
SK, you have my vote

guess what Cano you got my vote :wink: .
Frankly, I think there's one mod too many right now.
And besides, aren't I next in line? Well? There was even a poll.
:: cries ::
McCule Wrote:durtywhite Wrote:well me myself would say shadowkid will make a great mod,
I'm pretty sure a prerequisite for the position is the ability to spell and have good grammar.
You make fun of that person for not having good spelling and grammar, and you can't even spell "grammar" right.

I wouldn't hold your breath mud, but I'm sure your aware.
[quote="dekarr"]I wouldn't hold your breath mud, but I'm sure your aware.[/quote
um, excuse me guys, but could you all please stay on topic? If this was my thread, Ush would have already locked it.
Yes it does seem Ush has this thing with you.