Druchii Wrote:PhisheVA Wrote:Actually Kain, isn't it you who wasted your time in responding to my waste of time?
I guess you put out fires with gasoline.
To clarify, I think the current crop of mods needs to go. I also think the rules need changing.
To further sate you, Im out of my teens. If you'd like to discuss my private life, I'd be more than happy to entertain you through game mail. Im glad you spoke your mind. See, wasn't that fun?
Now we can see how the game polices itself.
And who would be the perfect moderators in your mind?
Me. For serial, guys. The forums/game would probably go through it's over version of a World War, but..I'm willing to make a sacrifice.

PhisheVA Wrote:I realize that the mods are an all volunteer staff and sometimes have a hard job. With that said, the curent crop of mods pretty much blows.
I really think its time for a fresh perspective in the forums.
isnt it my job to piss and moan about mods?
i find this thread offensive and discriminatory. please lock this thread
In the best mod-voice/text possible
With the start of offensive airs and feels in this thread, it is time to lock it down.
sorry couldn't resist
ShadowKid Wrote:Unlocked
sorry couldn't resist
I don't 100% agree with you, so i'm modding your post because i'm lame.
Edited by 8)
Look at Mr. Inactive-Thru-Lots-Of-Fucking-History there.
Things were better when there was a more hands-off approach to moderation for a short time. You really can't expect people not to get frustrated and speak out now. Especially with the tone used by the forum "staff" recently.
And I agree, the game does a fine job policing itself.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Didn't Loki say the forums weren't for speaking your mind?
Apparently he'd be perfect for the job then. I vote for Loki.
Absolutely correct on mods being more hands-off back in the day. Back in the day we had a lot of adults not as many kids playing. With the influx of immaturity it forced the mods to reevaluate modding.
Christmas of 2007 it got really bad in the forums, and the mods buckled up and were pretty much enforcing the rules to the T. After a few weeks we started to back off a bit.
The community did fine till about a month ago and so starts the cycle again.
Behave, don't curse, don't personal attack, stay on topic, and no senseless posting, and everything works out fantastic.
I vote for the tag team mod squad of Benito Mussolini and Jesus Christ.
i think you will find that most kids are intelligent nowadays