PhisheVA Wrote:I realize that the mods are an all volunteer staff and sometimes have a hard job. With that said, the curent crop of mods pretty much blows.
I really think its time for a fresh perspective in the forums.
One thing that springs to mind is that you will hate a moderator if he is doing his job, no matter who he is.
The only thing that will make you happy is a moderator not doing his job, which would be pointless.
I should sign up to be a moderator..-scoffs.-
the crop of mods pretty much blows?
Gawd, I just love a gracious forum request. How about something constructive instead of that?
Maybe something along the lines of 'I don't think the moderators particularly stamp out problems quickly enough/moderators are too quick to stamp them out', 'moderators are too biased towards their own gangs' etc etc.
mods blow really doesn't help the situation any. Particularly as it's only your opinion, which probably isn't shared by everyone, and you've given no basis for it whatsoever.
Being a mod is a damn thankless job, if you do it well people bitch, if you do it badly people bitch. You're on a loser whatever you do. So anyone wants to step up and take that on, good on them.
I think our mods have thick enough skins by now to ignore the bitching about them.
Druchii Wrote:One thing that springs to mind is that you will hate a moderator if he is doing his job, no matter who he [ or she] is.
Couldn't be more true. Found that out through personal experience and by watching one of the most popular players of a game I played in the past become one of the most hated for doing his job on the forums once becoming a moderator.
You can keep your job and the hatred that comes with it

I don't ignore complaining as long as it's in a reasonable respectable form, and that they have a basis for it. Cause I do my best to admit mistakes and to improve it in the future.
Why is it that people can't speak their minds in this forum? The game pretty much polices itself. I understand that people under the age of 18 might play this game and keeping the language in check is a good idea. But the censorship of peoples comments and critisisms are locked down the minute someone speaks their mind.
I think I'd have an easier time accessing some pron in China than posting an opinion in this mess right now.
The mods are following the rules (sometimes too much so) and I think the rules need to change.
the rules need to change a bit
Didn't someone start an "anything goes" forum for AL independent of the game a while back?? What happened to that site?
lol i dont have a clue i think that faded out somewhere in the background maybe we should have put the link on the bottom of these forums