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Full Version: Is the powerleveling upsetting our reg players?
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I'm not complaining, I for one that enjoy powerleveling. I have heard some of the regular players are getting annoyed and play a lot less due to the fact that they are alway in the hospital when they sign on. is anyone seeing that?
if they cant hack being attacked then maybe this game is not for them after all? btw, they never heard of carrying a stim?
Its annoying but it doesn't happen that often to me.


just continue to switch districts


well i don't think i am looking for a sloution. I asking if you "are you seeing people leaving the game becasue if it?"
konyen Wrote:well i don't think i am looking for a sloution. I asking if you "are you seeing people leaving the game becasue if it?"
Not that I have noticed, but I'm not looking for it.


I believe this was aimed at higher lvl players
since alot of lower and mid lvl players dont seem to have many problems like this

and it could become a pain in the ass when as soon as your away past 15 mins
and you return 2 mins past the 15 min mark you find yourself in the hosp for 20+ mins


o yea, i'm constantly hit everyday by the same player. when i get annoyed of signing into the hospital, i change districts.

as for players leaving the game because of it... i haven't really noticed.

was thinking of taking a short break tho, but not actually leaving the game.


I forsee a bottle neck for higher levels

However I do believe if you are power leveling and you have one good exp target that you hit again and again then you have a responsibility to send them a few stims if they come online.
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