I wish you could downgrade your house..Rather than sell it, go back to the crack house, then go about with buying a new house and lose every bit of your happiness. Other than 100 of course..At least you've got some semi-leak proof protection over your head. :oops:
If you're "sharing" a house or need to do a downgrade and dont wan't the lost happiness, you should make the switch while you're going to away for a while.
Either that or just attack, attack, attack until you Happiness gets back to full.
we should just be able to live with someone
all pitch in a get an arcology mansion
i hear you tommie, i had that yesterday for the bit before i left, i guess it was one of the only times i trained skills, did the same thing today, almost at level 1 skill, haha, and these guys are all like well i got level 5 on this and 3 on that. i almost got 1.
but yea you should be able to downgrade, i agree!
I agree with tommi here.If you sell up from a villa and instantly buy another home your happiness goes to 100.If you know your going to do that then you wouldn't become depressed would you?
Personally..I'd be stoked if I was living in anything but a crack house or shanty town. The moving would wear me out(Possible, small drop in happiness), but I'd be happy living in a nice house, even if the other one was nicer.
Edit: Not stroked. Stoked.

Sheesh, Tommi..Indecency..
you'd have a better chance of getting stroked if you were in a better house then a crack shack, unless you were the dealer . . . :roll:
Yeah..The United Strokes of America..

could you guys fill me in with what your on about? why would you downgrade your house? my sqautters hovel works fine for me anyways lol