I like the idea of most things being taken care of in game without admin interference but people should have a few days to get to know the game before they have a buncha tards 20 levels higher hospitalizing them all day.
In all serious though i like this rule helps the game evolve.
ShadowKid Wrote:In all serious though i like this rule helps the game evolve.
Yep. Rather than retards attack these guys to get their ways with the admins(Like tyrants), they get a safe haven and get to experience the game before experiencing stupidity first-hand.
Just dont join a gang full of loud mouth shit shifters and you'll do ok
Hint Hint
BTW who am i agreeing with now Yobtebe

Heh. Sleek joined a good gang. =D
Wow i've never had that prob with any of my refs.... :shock:
I like this idea too, because from a narrative point of view it still makes sense. No big mafia kingpin is going to bother himself with a little back-alley criminal robbing a few sweets. Of course, if said criminal starts stepping on the kingpin's toes, then obviously he'll get revenge... so it pretty much works perfectly in my eyes.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Heh. Sleek joined a good gang. =D
Truth !
xSleekx Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:Heh. Sleek joined a good gang. =D
Truth !
TRUE, but could've been better
Dissidence. I think that's what you were thinking, right Likewoah?