08.October.23 - For a trial-period, youngins to the game are not attackable unless they have hit someone already or are attacked by someone of the same age.
To give them a chance to see what the game is like and to hopefully stick around and become part of the community. Something that is harder to do, and less motivated to do, from a hospital bed.
I didn't get the sarcasm across.
Maybe now you guys can be happy since Carl wont be able to pwn them now or can he since he isnt over lvl 10
I was hoping it meant 400 days or younger :wink:
Great change. I have only played a few weeks but i was hospitalized for a good 5 hours of the first day i was trying to play by warhammer and oreo / gang xpats. The person who referred me wasted a good chunk on stim packs just so he could get me started and i had similar problems with everyone i referred being hospitalized for hours within the first few minutes of playing...
My question is why people would do that. Are they trying to keep people from ever playing the game / keep the community small or trying to convey how 'hardcore' this game is by thrashing newbs. Is there something fundamentally wrong with them? Maybe their slow in the head or mommy didn't love them? Whats everyone else think...
They're sad little boys and girls that need to do rash, moronic things to get the attention of the admins to get them to change the game in their favor. It's sad, very true, and done on occasion.
xSleekx Wrote:Whats everyone else think...
I think you are one of Tommi's referals? lol!!
xSleekx Wrote:Great change. I have only played a few weeks but i was hospitalized for a good 5 hours of the first day i was trying to play by warhammer and oreo / gang xpats. The person who referred me wasted a good chunk on stim packs just so he could get me started and i had similar problems with everyone i referred being hospitalized for hours within the first few minutes of playing...
My question is why people would do that. Are they trying to keep people from ever playing the game / keep the community small or trying to convey how 'hardcore' this game is by thrashing newbs. Is there something fundamentally wrong with them? Maybe their slow in the head or mommy didn't love them? Whats everyone else think...
If i recall this is all done by a guy bored at work and its not against any rules
he just likes to pwn noobs thats all everyone knows of him which in a sense makes him a LEGEND
Dirk for god sake theres only one "LEGEND" in this game triadboy remeber