AgentZero Wrote:my humanity is 6.66 (kinda funny) is this good or bad ?
Higher is better, until you hit the point when your happiness refresh's faster than your ep.
Don't buy crappy cheap borgs,
If you borg, buy the most expensive models.
I'm at the point that I'd be willing to trade some cyberware upgrades for even a half, or a third even, of the humanity cost back.
Wait on it,
Natural stats seem to be more effective, borg stats only help in combat (a questionable level), not crimes or towards item reqs.
The only non combat function I've seen changed by cybers is strength, a strength cyber increases your carrying capacity (encumberance ratio) a bit, but only about 1/4 as much or so as a natural Strength lvl.
All in all,
Cyber if you want,
but wait on it, plan it out
and don't go cheap.
But..But I'mma cheapskate..
I do not agree.
Cheap borgs can be used. It all depends on your strategy. Think long term.
Thinking long term means don't get cheap borgs... Every step up costs more and more humanity so get the best with the lowest humanity loss
BlitzKrieg Wrote:Thinking long term means don't get cheap borgs... Every step up costs more and more humanity so get the best with the lowest humanity loss
this is true as humanity from leveling becomes much more time consuming
well for a lot of people the expensive borgs after just one or 2 is out of their price range. So after 1 you can move to the mid grade borgs...
Just wait until you are well passed level 30 and add them very slowly... make sure you have a fair amount of humanity.
try not to borg your humanity down below whole numbers...
if you have 13 humanity like Pun says he does, then when you get to 13.60 humanity you can add a .60 humanity borg and not loose anything per refresh.
Just food for thought
my humanity is under 2 but considering that I have to do skills it still works out where I only need to do 5-10 attacks a day due to low happiness.
works out pretty well I think
Conrad1103 Wrote:90ranajo Wrote:Yep.
Happiness refresh equals Half your level (rounded up) plus Humanity (rounded down).
Unless you're in the hospital, then it refreshes at half your rate.
so its worthless.
time to add some borgs.

thatthingufear Wrote:Higher is better, until you hit the point when your happiness refresh's faster than your ep.
Not quite. You actually don't want your happiness refreshing at the same rate as your energy. You're not maximizing your character that way.
edit: can't type