anyone know the calculation for health healing?
AgentZero Wrote:But borgs gets you an instant lvl up training takes 4 ever :?
Yes, but a natural stat is worth more than a borg stat. Plus borg parts don't count towards item requirements.
Just buy a ton of cheap will be fine!
ok ill try that thx

Humanity affects happiness and health refreshes.
I will still try it it will help my character.
AgentZero Wrote:training takes 4 ever :?
Just wait till your stats are higher! I WISH my stat increases took as little of time as you have right now. Can't imagine the time it takes Ush and Pun...
it sucks....why do you think we both went nuts on endu
btw, happy is nice, but some borgs arent bad still over 13 humanity with plenty of borgs....balance is the key
my humanity is 6.66 (kinda funny) is this good or bad ?