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Full Version: Gang wars - offline hospitalizations/brutalizations
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Brutalizing is a waste. Hosp the offliners is making a statement and keeps them from coming online and hitting two or three like G2 said.
I picked pointless and transparent as well, Just makes u look like a Donkey's Butt
Well I had to look like something, and I could either pick that or George Bush.


hosp wars are phun


hospitalizing/brutilizing is just pointless and transparent, its the purpose of this game to be the best of the best and overcome all odds and expects of all members
Hospitalizing/brutalizing offline members of a rival gang during war is
pointless and transparent.
specially when you're the one spending money on stims
plus as other said it's bad for the gang(the wining one that is) for losing free gp


*All of the above?

It depends on who - what - where - why - and when


justink420 Wrote:*All of the above?

It depends on who - what - where - why - and when

yep, its very situational
who- who ever you can
what- hosp/ berserak
where- at work
why- boss giveing you a hard time/ childrens crying(where applying)/ feel like it/ etc
and when- whenever one of the upper conditions apply


Hospitalizing rival gang members on- or offline during a war pays a gang point or two to the victor.

It may not show much class, but if you're at the bottom of the food chain, the rule is root hog, or die.
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