Hard to do anything when you are farmed by 3 gangs all at once constantly. Gang points are not allowed to be stored, just farmed by other gangs. When they war you every 2 hours, not alot you can do, no matter how strong or active your players. There is always someone in the gang warring you who can take you out in the wars to ensure you never grow in size.
Then you have to remove those that aren't helping you grow your gang and slowly replace them with others that share your common goal of growing stronger. There are 20,000+ players in AL and LOTS of people that want to be apart of something "special". Find them.
well.. 1,456 ppl in AL are actually active
Promathia19 Wrote:well.. 1,456 ppl in AL are actually active
around 750-800 log in daily
Forgive my unrealistic 20,000 figure. If 1456 people are active and 800 people are active on a daily basis, all the present 13 member-and-up gangs have a total of 243 people. That leaves 557 daily active players NOT in that big of a gang that would probably want their gang to be bigger if they could do it...
McCule Wrote:Forgive my unrealistic 20,000 figure. If 1456 people are active and 800 people are active on a daily basis, all the present 13 member-and-up gangs have a total of 243 people. That leaves 557 daily active players NOT in that big of a gang that would probably want their gang to be bigger if they could do it...
no offense.... but this comes from one of the top gangs...... think about this:
for example:
Valhalla has people who can take me out easily.... I was the top gang member of my gang..... if you declare war say every 2 hours just when you get into fair.....what can I do as a leader of my gang if I am constantly in the hospital in gang battle. Doesn't matter that my gang has 10/12 online at once constantly if you are constantly being hospitalized in war and constantly being farmed for your organized crimes/gang points. If you don't have the high level 30+ members you are not strong enough at all to defend yourself. As fast as I would repair my hideout, war comes again..... and if you get help from another gang? Well you get hospitalized for 24 hours for asking for help. It is a no-win situation. Big gangs are refusing to let smaller gangs build up their defenses to become one of the larger gangs.
Gang wars are just feed on any gang you can to get bigger and the weak/small stay that way. Please don't tell me it is any different. No new gang is allowed to get stronger at all.
sounds to me like democrats and republicans always holding down the small groups so theirs stay on top. Which I admit the super gangs do a good job of doing. But they can't stop you. just don't war and open new slots when you get 20 member slots open then recruit some high level players then when your players grow in their levels so will your gang thus you become a super gang and then you can help hold small fry gangs down. Should only take a year or maybe two to do this game I think is more about time then anything else.
The problem with smaller gang is that they don't have a strong, high level leader, highly active player, and money.
For example, let's say Chris and Sarge want to start off Elder again. They would easily buy the already establish gang, like Peru Street Gang. With in 6 months, a good gang leader would turn that gang around into one of the top 5 gang in AL.
IMO there has always been too many gangs in this game
Bring back gang deletion

andyscho Wrote:IMO there has always been too many gangs in this game
Bring back gang deletion 
oh yes