badmanbren Wrote:What a great forum mod you Zen ffs. Here, this is how you do it.
Man Weebay, are you insane? You should smoke less... Please, smoke less!
Get a job son! See, I helped.
I have a remedy if your senses keep getting in the way. Scotch on the rocks. I used to wake up with multiple $100 receipts from paypal and my senses never bothered me once.
Actually my donating in the last few months has been tame. I did find myself debating on a big one, but decided against it.
Maybe if there was an option for it and substantial benefit over the normal 100$ one, I would of been more tempted.
Weebay Wrote:Actually my donating in the last few months has been tame. I did find myself debating on a big one, but decided against it.
Maybe if there was an option for it and substantial benefit over the normal 100$ one, I would of been more tempted.
Gang deletion? I would push fot that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would that help?
I was not referring to your gang directly btw.
zenith Wrote:The $100 donation option was merely to make it faster to donate $20s, hence why the bonus was kept at the five $20s mark. When I added the $100 option I honestly didn't think anyone would use it. Increasing the $100 donation's bonus now after it's been around since March 2007 is a little unfair to all those who used the option and didn't get any bonus.
Well geez Zen, I would just be so happy to get a bonus now I wouldnt bother you for back bonus... :wink: :roll:
why cant we just have a choice?i had to donate 3 x20 to get 60.why cant there be an open option,up to 100,say i wanted to donate 60 just click 60.have it done with $5 intervals.25 30 35 40.that would have made it alot donation for 60 instead of 3x 20s.would have saved me time.we already have a 100 cap so stick with that for now
redz28 Wrote:we already have a 100 cap so stick with that for now
you people again with caps. fuck that! if someone wants to drop $1500 in one shot let them.
No more talk of caps, level caps, stat caps, donation caps, gay ass over sized flat brim caps, fuck them all.
Weebay Wrote:Actually my donating in the last few months has been tame. I did find myself debating on a big one, but decided against it.
Maybe if there was an option for it and substantial benefit over the normal 100$ one, I would of been more tempted.
I've brought this up numerous times. There is really no incentive for me to shell out $100, which we find out in turn actually helps Zen and Err because they pay less of a % to PayPal.
If you take any basic sales class this would be taught. Consumers are not always morons and it is so easy to up sell or cross sell if the incentive is simple and easy to understand. If you have the $100 donation = more than 5 x $20 donations you will without a doubt see an increase in the $100 donations, which in turn would equal more money for the game creators. We all know you make money off this game and all we are asking is for some incentive and a Thank You for dropping a $100 on your game. This is not out of line and I believe that everyone that has donated $100 in the past should understand that going forward only will there be a bonus as there will be no retro pay.
I would drop a $100 right now if you gave me a reason... otherwise it will be just a $20 when I feel like it.
I'm taking my 5 $20's and going to a titty bar.
Also, if you really want to make more money, you should hold the incentive for only a month period and put out theidea that it won't ever return - a 1 month only $100 sales incentive... Make 1 x $100 donation and receive 20% more credits! Buy $500 worth of credits you will receive the additional 20% of credits and 30 free donator days...
Who can we sign up to create the fliers and start the e-mail blitz to the AL community?