Wow, is that the first SV loss since the SV sponsored contest (which was total lagfest the first round btw) ?
Wow, I thought they were unbeatable. Guess they really aren't number 1 anymore.
w00k Wrote:Wow, is that the first SV loss since the SV sponsored contest (which was total lagfest the first round btw) ?
Yer, we still managed to gaing 49 points and they lost 19 as I hear. Which could mean we still never lost. But it's the first time our hideout was broken down fully since that contest.
So you won the battle but lost the war?
Yer, that's quite a good way to put it.
Marlo Wrote:Wow, I thought they were unbeatable. Guess they really aren't number 1 anymore.
Well, we know that we AREN'T number one. So if SV isn't no.1 and we aren't no.1 then who does that leave? Diss? DM?
McCule Wrote:So if SV isn't no.1 and we aren't no.1 then who does that leave? Diss? DM?
That's easy, Hitmen for Hire are without a doubt #1

We're on about best gangs here. A gang must consist of 3 members. :wink:
::Gives Marlo a terrorist fist jab::