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i find #1 more helpful and it looks better to me.
Hello All,
I am new to this game and as a result I try to absorb as much information as possible while attempting to learn. I poured over the tutorial that was available and when I saw these new ones I am spending as much time possible reading and re-reading them. Thank you so much to the Admins for the contest and resulting bonus for us n00bs!
It is a tough call and there are pluses and minuses for both tutorials. I found the first one much easier to read (and with a bit of formatting it would be even easier!). There is a flow to the information and with Ctrl-F most things can be located since the terms used in the game fit the tutorial. (ie "Attributes" is used in the first tutorial which is a term used in the gym but not on the second tutorial so it didn't show up.)
That being said, I enjoyed the tips that the second tutorial gave me and found information that was not covered quite as well in the first. The character building Guide was great and helped me to understand where to focus (and where I have been wasting my valuable points!).
So... it's a tough call but I'd say for the absolute beginner that the first tutorial works better as an over all tutorial and would have been great to get me started for the first weeek. The second tutorial with a bit of work would be great for an advanced beginner ("Ok I'm up to speed and want more information"....)
My points should be refreshed by now... back to work!

Total Votes : 49
You want the winner to be chosen after only 49 people have voted??
Game announcement Zen, please!?!?!!!! like the ones we have during the gymboree days and contests; and with a link to this post...
Well i think Tutorial 2 is very interesting and helpful not that Tutorial 1 is of non-interest but i would still go with Tutorial 2 cause i think its helpful in a way.
The English in the second option is jumbled and poor at best. Maybe with some editing....?
do u think it wont be edited, when it will be put in the game?

as u know here aren't playing only american or english people

like me

but i don't think my English is bad
but i liked 2nd one better, because there is some good things, which can help to grow better in the game

personally I liked #1 It was easier to understand. With a lil formatting it wont scare off some poor dislexic like myself. While #2 looked interesting the #'s scared the crap outta me.

Number 1 is a good read and number 2 was well a funny type of read lol.