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Full Version: Tutorial Contest Finalists (FINALLY)
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I concur. Especially the purpose of creating these guides are mostly for new players.

Here is the million dollar question.
How do we reach those new player with this information? I know when i started, I didn't check the forum until I was around lev 5.

Side Note, If Zen offer a side link to download these guide as PDF, I think it would be a very nice addition to the game.

These guides are great asset to the AL community.


Haha, good point. I think there's actually a block on the forums until you hit level 3. So having them as a forum sticky would be no good IMO.
Good insight there Zeon.

Isn't in kind of ironic that the new can't see the tutorials?

By the way, after reading them again, there is so much I didn't know about the game.


Overall #1 seemed a bit more newb friendly, all it really needs is to be broken up a bit more, gets hard to read after awhile.
Also, the forum is not read by all the players, so an announcement in game should be helpful
ZeonOne Wrote:I concur. Especially the purpose of creating these guides are mostly for new players.

Here is the million dollar question.
How do we reach those new player with this information? I know when i started, I didn't check the forum until I was around lev 5.

This will be the new Help Tutorial
daaamn tutorial #2 looks good!
#2 looks very good, but both have good content. looks like a good competition


I like #2. I feel it will grow with the noobs and refer back to it once in a while. i learn some new stuff from it.
thats good, and i'm glad that you do, but keep in mind that this is for new players, not for old ones
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