2008.Jun.08, 10:07 AM
1.) You are hit for 6 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 5 damage.
2.) You take your best shot and miss.
3.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
4.) You hit for 16 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 15 damage.
5.) You are hit for 9 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 8 damage.
6.) You take your best shot and miss.
7.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
8.) You are hit for 2 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 1 damage.
9.) You take your best shot and miss.
10.) You are hit for 1 points of damage. You resist 0 for a total of 1 damage.
11.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
12.) You take your best shot and miss.
13.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
14.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
15.) You take your best shot and miss.
16.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
17.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
18.) You hit for 21 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 20 damage.
19.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
20.) You are hit for 24 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 23 damage.
21.) You hit for 6 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 5 damage.
22.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
23.) You take your best shot and miss.
24.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
25.) You are hit for 16 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 15 damage.
26.) You hit for 17 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 16 damage.
27.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
28.) You take your best shot and miss.
29.) You take your best shot and miss.
30.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
31.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
32.) You take your best shot and miss.
33.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
34.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
35.) You hit for 13 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 12 damage.
36.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
37.) You hit for 21 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 20 damage.
38.) You are hit for 24 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 23 damage.
39.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
40.) You take your best shot and miss.
41.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
42.) You are hit for 11 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 10 damage.
43.) You take your best shot and miss.
44.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
45.) You are hit for 22 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 21 damage.
46.) You take your best shot and miss.
47.) You hit for 5 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 4 damage.
48.) You are hit for 7 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 6 damage.
49.) You are hit for 19 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 18 damage.
50.) You hit for 11 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 10 damage.
51.) You are hit for 15 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 14 damage.
52.) You take your best shot and miss.
53.) You take your best shot and miss.
54.) You are hit for 10 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 9 damage.
55.) You are hit for 7 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 6 damage.
56.) You take your best shot and miss.
57.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
58.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
59.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
60.) You hit for 5 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 4 damage.
61.) You are hit for 20 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 19 damage.
62.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
63.) You take your best shot and miss.
64.) You are hit for 13 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 12 damage.
65.) You are hit for 13 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 12 damage.
66.) You hit for 16 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 15 damage.
After a battle this long you failed to recognize the sirens drawing closer. By the time you realize it you are surrounded.
(guess we should have kept our clothes on!!!)
1.) You are hit for 6 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 5 damage.
2.) You take your best shot and miss.
3.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
4.) You hit for 16 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 15 damage.
5.) You are hit for 9 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 8 damage.
6.) You take your best shot and miss.
7.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
8.) You are hit for 2 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 1 damage.
9.) You take your best shot and miss.
10.) You are hit for 1 points of damage. You resist 0 for a total of 1 damage.
11.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
12.) You take your best shot and miss.
13.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
14.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
15.) You take your best shot and miss.
16.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
17.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
18.) You hit for 21 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 20 damage.
19.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
20.) You are hit for 24 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 23 damage.
21.) You hit for 6 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 5 damage.
22.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
23.) You take your best shot and miss.
24.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
25.) You are hit for 16 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 15 damage.
26.) You hit for 17 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 16 damage.
27.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
28.) You take your best shot and miss.
29.) You take your best shot and miss.
30.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
31.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
32.) You take your best shot and miss.
33.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
34.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
35.) You hit for 13 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 12 damage.
36.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
37.) You hit for 21 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 20 damage.
38.) You are hit for 24 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 23 damage.
39.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
40.) You take your best shot and miss.
41.) You hit for 7 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 6 damage.
42.) You are hit for 11 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 10 damage.
43.) You take your best shot and miss.
44.) You are hit for 18 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 17 damage.
45.) You are hit for 22 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 21 damage.
46.) You take your best shot and miss.
47.) You hit for 5 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 4 damage.
48.) You are hit for 7 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 6 damage.
49.) You are hit for 19 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 18 damage.
50.) You hit for 11 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 10 damage.
51.) You are hit for 15 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 14 damage.
52.) You take your best shot and miss.
53.) You take your best shot and miss.
54.) You are hit for 10 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 9 damage.
55.) You are hit for 7 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 6 damage.
56.) You take your best shot and miss.
57.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
58.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
59.) SGsOldLady takes their best shot and misses.
60.) You hit for 5 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 4 damage.
61.) You are hit for 20 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 19 damage.
62.) You hit for 14 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 13 damage.
63.) You take your best shot and miss.
64.) You are hit for 13 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 12 damage.
65.) You are hit for 13 points of damage. You resist 1 for a total of 12 damage.
66.) You hit for 16 points of damage. SGsOldLady resists 1 for a total of 15 damage.
After a battle this long you failed to recognize the sirens drawing closer. By the time you realize it you are surrounded.
(guess we should have kept our clothes on!!!)