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Full Version: who wants to have a fist fight?
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i did unequip.. your gang member didnt unequip his aroumr and we stalemated.

now.. what the f'n, frek is this im hearing about how you have to "train", back into your equipment, once you unequip?

[EDIT] - i just tried it, and everything seems normal.

ok.... g2...Weebay. Weebay... if i cant beat g2, our fights off. unless you let me have a knife.
i just forgot..i forget things easily, that was not done intentionally..sorry dude
good fight.

Opponents Conrad Weebay
Hits 11 25
Hits Percentage 26.2 % 59.5 %
Damage Received 480 180
Damage Resisted 24 11
Actual Damage Taken 456 169
Best Hit 32 36


yea you bruised me up a little! I will accept fights with knives!
As soon as I get out of the hosp, I will be open to fist fights.
damn, Wee. i drew a gun and shot you.. and YOU got put in jail! granted, i was there a few minutes...but just for paper work. HAHAHAH!


yea that was a good sentence 954 minutes, I wasn't even carrying a concealed weapon!
Alright Weebs, I'm downtown, come get me.
I'm unequipped so any lower lvls that want to have a fist fight feel free to hit me.
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