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Full Version: Complaints from players about other players
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Druchii Wrote:It's sad that things like this needs to be done.
Human nature doesn't sadden me, but then again, I'm a cyborg. 8)


i have hospitaized a few players for hospitalizing 1st- 5lvl when they was like 9 to 10 lvls highier than the player they hospitalized,on a couple times it seemed to make those 2 players to keep doing it more but after a few online times of hitting them they stopped ,and now they can enjoy the game like everybody else,i do not like to hospitalize except when the player i do hospitalize is bulling low lvls around and attacking them online,but i understand what you are saying zen,if you can come up with a better idea ,please contact me,i have tried mailing them ,but get the occasional nasty mails and insults,some even tell me that i just made it worse for the ones i was protecting,as a whole there is to many inactive and offline players to attack,why attack online players(hospitalize ing them)when there is no exp in tht kind of attack,but you ar a great admin and person,i am sure whatever you decide to do will be for the best for everybody


I have found that a nasty email or bullying can usually be resolved by a hosp or two and then it seems to be over....The block feature works but not as satisfying as a good Hosp message. Zen you need to work on a whine code for your email kinda like a spam filter a whine filter...LOL This way you only get love and praises!!!


I don't think a filter is needed, the block will stop unwanted people swearing to you.


Vorenus says: "don't swear in your in game e-mails but it's ok to mess with em!"


OK as for repeated attacks, how about putting in code that limits the amount of times a player can be attacked ? That would slow down or stop repeated attacks. And as for cursing and racial slurs by e-mail, the people doing this should be dumped from the game. Nobody should have to tolerate this in this day and age. Its understandable that players get upset and say things they don't really mean. But there is a limit and I'm sure the offending party knows when they are crossing that line. I have zero tolerance for bigots, potty mouths and threats. Maybe there should be a 3 strikes rule for offensive e-mail. A progressive suspension in the Fed for the first and second time and the boot for the third time.
You have the option to block their mail. Repeated attacks offline are fine, online ones hamper the individuals right to play. I do feel something should be done with levels. Like a level cap of a sort, there is a level race, and if it stops, then more stat training will be done, and well, less need for so many attacks.
A level may not entirely be a bad idea but it would need to be done in a way that is fair.

perhaps something like this:

1-2 level below full xp
3-4 85% XP
5-6 75%xp
7-8 50% XP
9-10 25% XP
11 or more below gets no XP.

I do believe that XP earned at the moment is based on pwer level so maybe basing these Xp levels on the difference between the power levels would work better. I just dont see a reason why someone should get 100+ xp for attacking somone that does 30 may be 40 damage to them.
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