AwakenedLands Forums

Full Version: you know your addicted to AL when...
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they are no longer minutes but 1/5 of a refresh


You know someones dumb when they near enough duplicate a post from not even a month ago and then place it in the wrong section. :wink:
is 1+1 2 or is it 11??


You know that you are addicted to Awakened Lands when...

you start to make "you know your addicted to AL when..." threads.



you're* for the title


tough crowd
when u keep coming back


Loki Wrote:tough crowd

very tough lol
badmanbren Wrote:You know someones dumb when they near enough duplicate a post from not even a month ago and then place it in the wrong section. :wink:
You know you'r addicted to AL when you think it's necessary to make fun of other peoples' posts. :roll:


You know when your addicted to AL when you keep posting in threads you have already posted in before :?
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