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ThReAd On CoLlIsIoN cOuRsE
... when you make AL your default homepage.
*hangs head in shame*
Conrad1103 Wrote:... when you make AL your default homepage.
*hangs head in shame*
whats the problem its mine 2 ur not alone
Never tought of that... :roll:
when there's two You Know Your Addicted post's in the forums :massivegrin:
DirkDanja Wrote:when there's two You Know Your Addicted post's in the forums :massivegrin:
That'd probablly come under, "you know there's idiots in AL when...". Only problem is, I can't find a place to put the thread.

You know you're addicted to AL when someone makes a similar post to before and you act all jerky about it. WTG Bren! Jerk!