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Full Version: Increasing gang size with gang points?
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i think those ideas that pun mentioned is great

about the gahg merging idea it is good to but it should be made hard for gangs to combine with each other
I am 110% supporting the Gang Armory idea.

Items that were brought for the gang such as:
Stim Packs
Weapon and Armor

Especially Stims and food, this storage would be great to be able to access to most people of the gang.
drec92 Wrote:i think those ideas that pun mentioned is great

about the gahg merging idea it is good to but it should be made hard for gangs to combine with each other

it shouldnt be easy causee then i can just buy gangs boost them up and then combine them
drec92 Wrote:it shouldnt be easy causee then i can just buy gangs boost them up and then combine them

We you still need to boost them up, and you can only do that with gang points or moeny to gain more slots.

The storage idea is great and also I think the merging gangs is nice little touch. But should be some kind of penalty.


No way to unlimited gang merger's.Yes i agree and posted a topic way back about merging gangs but allowing unlimited size is absurd.

My main concern would be having at the end of the first week just 4 gangs in total :roll: .Every possible gang would just merge with whomever.A cap would have to be placed on it.30 member's at most.Then any additional slots would have to be bought.
biffbaffboff Wrote:No way to unlimited gang merger's.Yes i agree and posted a topic way back about merging gangs but allowing unlimited size is absurd.

My main concern would be having at the end of the first week just 4 gangs in total :roll: .Every possible gang would just merge with whomever.A cap would have to be placed on it.30 member's at most.Then any additional slots would have to be bought.

i doubt that we can have a limit also so we dont stay merging
great point about mergeing, but i also believe it should be made hard, say 1k gang points per slot of the gang? and ???k gang points for a few of the upgrades, would realy make it interesting


Punisher Wrote:I definitely would like to see more ways to spend gang points. The choices now are so short lived or unnecessary that warring for points is almost absurd. Once you build up your hideout enough to take on the initial blast of your enemy your repairers can kick building up 4k hideouts and high hardening rates isnt needed. The only upgrade after about 2k hp that is worth it imo is the gcb (Gang Combat Bonus). It becomes so expensive in points though, that attaining any real benefit from it requires months of constant warring and winning Smile.

This issue of more permanent benefits for gang point usage has been brought up numerous times. Please zen lets get some of these upgrades rolling Wink.

Gang Gym---Ability to train endurance as well as all other stats
Gang Vocational School----Training skills and Intel
Gang Armory---Special weapons and weapon holding
Gang District---District available only to gang members

Sorry if off topic, but I'd also like to bring up the idea of gang merging again---obviously it needs much planning and thought, but one idea on that would be if two gangs decided to merge...a fee based on size would be levied, merging would be limited in time and number of mergers, and each merging gang would maybe retain 75% of their upgrades rounded down but minimum +1 (as zen always does Smile )

Gang A
20 slots 2000 hp, +3 refresh +3 hardening +3 repair +4 combat

Gang B
15 slots 1500 hp +2 refresh +6 hardening +1 repair +4 combat

New Gang
20 + (15 * .75=11.25) = 31 slots
3 + (2*.75) = 4 refresh
3 + (6*.75 = 7 hardening
3 + 1 = 4 repair
4 + (4*.75) = 7 combat bonus

some ideas to think on

it would be sweet to be able to merge two or more gangs Biggrin
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