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Should we be able to increase gang size with points?

Like the value of a gang point could be 200$ and we could convert it into cash for gang upgrading, with no option to withdraw it.

Could be nice way to increase gang size with hard work.


it could work, but it could also be used to profit off of it for more than just gang size, i.e. weapons/armor/house... scratch that.. theres nothing bad that comes out of it, BRING ON THE CHANGES!! lol (i need a new house)


Druchii Wrote:Should we be able to increase gang size with points?

Like the value of a gang point could be 200$ and we could convert it into cash for gang upgrading, with no option to withdraw it.

Could be nice way to increase gang size with hard work.

He's saying keep it in the vault and only in the vault.

The way it is now promotes donating to pay for gang slots. If you use GP, you limit the other upgrades you could get. Win/lose or lose/lose? idk hasn't this been discussed countless times to no avail?


o sry, hehe, i dint see that part, then yea, of course, it should be able to work


gang points market? mmm
Loki Wrote:gang points market? mmm

It should be that the gang that sold you the points can't attack your gang for the next 48hrs. That way you have time to spend them.
thatthingufear Wrote:It should be that the gang that sold you the points can't attack your gang for the next 48hrs. That way you have time to spend them.
probably one of the most ridiculous ideas i've ever seen on this forum
I definitely would like to see more ways to spend gang points. The choices now are so short lived or unnecessary that warring for points is almost absurd. Once you build up your hideout enough to take on the initial blast of your enemy your repairers can kick building up 4k hideouts and high hardening rates isnt needed. The only upgrade after about 2k hp that is worth it imo is the gcb (Gang Combat Bonus). It becomes so expensive in points though, that attaining any real benefit from it requires months of constant warring and winning Smile.

This issue of more permanent benefits for gang point usage has been brought up numerous times. Please zen lets get some of these upgrades rolling Wink.

Gang Gym---Ability to train endurance as well as all other stats
Gang Vocational School----Training skills and Intel
Gang Armory---Special weapons and weapon holding
Gang District---District available only to gang members

Sorry if off topic, but I'd also like to bring up the idea of gang merging again---obviously it needs much planning and thought, but one idea on that would be if two gangs decided to merge...a fee based on size would be levied, merging would be limited in time and number of mergers, and each merging gang would maybe retain 75% of their upgrades rounded down but minimum +1 (as zen always does Smile )

Gang A
20 slots 2000 hp, +3 refresh +3 hardening +3 repair +4 combat

Gang B
15 slots 1500 hp +2 refresh +6 hardening +1 repair +4 combat

New Gang
20 + (15 * .75=11.25) = 31 slots
3 + (2*.75) = 4 refresh
3 + (6*.75 = 7 hardening
3 + 1 = 4 repair
4 + (4*.75) = 7 combat bonus

some ideas to think on
Punisher Wrote:I definitely would like to see more ways to spend gang points. The choices now are so short lived or unnecessary that warring for points is almost absurd. Once you build up your hideout enough to take on the initial blast of your enemy your repairers can kick building up 4k hideouts and high hardening rates isnt needed. The only upgrade after about 2k hp that is worth it imo is the gcb (Gang Combat Bonus). It becomes so expensive in points though, that attaining any real benefit from it requires months of constant warring and winning Smile.

This issue of more permanent benefits for gang point usage has been brought up numerous times. Please zen lets get some of these upgrades rolling Wink.

Gang Gym---Ability to train endurance as well as all other stats
Gang Vocational School----Training skills and Intel
Gang Armory---Special weapons and weapon holding
Gang District---District available only to gang members

Sorry if off topic, but I'd also like to bring up the idea of gang merging again---obviously it needs much planning and thought, but one idea on that would be if two gangs decided to merge...a fee based on size would be levied, merging would be limited in time and number of mergers, and each merging gang would maybe retain 75% of their upgrades rounded down but minimum +1 (as zen always does Smile )

Gang A
20 slots 2000 hp, +3 refresh +3 hardening +3 repair +4 combat

Gang B
15 slots 1500 hp +2 refresh +6 hardening +1 repair +4 combat

New Gang
20 + (15 * .75=11.25) = 31 slots
3 + (2*.75) = 4 refresh
3 + (6*.75 = 7 hardening
3 + 1 = 4 repair
4 + (4*.75) = 7 combat bonus

some ideas to think on

Merging looks like it could be abused. Big gangs would just make small gangs to absorb an grow to absurd sizes and powers. I'm not sure on the on the amount to upgrade, but it I'm guessing it's less points to go from 1 -> 3, than it is to go to 5 -> 6.

As far as the usage of gang points, I think you make a grand idea. I love any sorta of variety, and customibility (sp?). All we need now is random battle generator and we'd be set.
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