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if a player shows he has changed should he still be persacuted, i feel if a pplayer shows he has changed his ways he should be forgiven, i am not saying what they did should be forgotten, just forgiven, i would like to keep this thread without stupid post,and for it to be a discussion so to get a better understanding of how everybody feels on the subject


Depends who it is.


just in general bro,
Everyone should get a second chance, on the understanding however that it is their last chance
depends on what he did
to err is human. Give the kid a chance to dig a deeper grave


andyscho Wrote:Everyone should get a second chance, on the understanding however that it is their last chance

This is my view as well.


lol second chance, wouldn't this be like #4?


i am not relating this to any one player, this was put here to find out how everybody felt on the subject


I agree second chances and even in some cases a third depending on the situation. Not many of us have learned anything with out making mistakes and if you were not forgiven for it no matter how small or large you would not learn but harbor hate...We can all give a second chance to someone and it cost nothing. Remember Trust but Verify. Your second chance may be someones new begining.
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