2008.Nov.26, 03:34 PM
2008.Nov.26, 03:35 PM
No offense howl but so far you have to be the biggest bitch when your cranky i move districts because of that you scare me. 

2008.Nov.26, 06:44 PM
I think most people warrant second or even a third chance. There are mitigating factors that would influence my final decision.
A willingness to admit their fault.
Their level of maturity and how they respond to being confronted with their transgression.
A willingness to submit to rightful authority.
A williness to change their behavior.
And finally the williness to right their wrongs.....
A willingness to admit their fault.
Their level of maturity and how they respond to being confronted with their transgression.
A willingness to submit to rightful authority.
A williness to change their behavior.
And finally the williness to right their wrongs.....
2008.Nov.26, 09:48 PM
I forgave SS so I guess I could pretty much forgive any1 for anything in this game... Except 1 thing that applies as much here as in real life, don't touch my girl, I get all green and angry when you do.
2008.Nov.26, 10:47 PM
first off it's insane to tell everyone what you would forgive, who's to say someone down the road wont read this and deside that they can piss off the 20 people that wrote down what is fogivable.
second off everything is always sircumstancial, i mean there are alot of factors on forgiveness, for example. who was in the wrong, who gt "fuct" what they did, the mood either of these people were in at the time.etc
and i think the only thing in this thead that should really stick in anyones heads is ~~ YOU'RE CRAZY TO TELL PEOLE WHAT YOU WILL FORGIVE.
i promise that some day you'll be forgiving someone for it
and honestly second chances ar based on your ability to forgive someone.
as i'm sure someone ill say that this is about secnd chances
second off everything is always sircumstancial, i mean there are alot of factors on forgiveness, for example. who was in the wrong, who gt "fuct" what they did, the mood either of these people were in at the time.etc
and i think the only thing in this thead that should really stick in anyones heads is ~~ YOU'RE CRAZY TO TELL PEOLE WHAT YOU WILL FORGIVE.
i promise that some day you'll be forgiving someone for it
and honestly second chances ar based on your ability to forgive someone.
as i'm sure someone ill say that this is about secnd chances
2008.Nov.26, 10:52 PM
hardasgranite Wrote:A willingness to admit their fault.
Their level of maturity and how they respond to being confronted with their transgression.
A willingness to submit to rightful authority.
A williness to change their behavior.
And finally the williness to right their wrongs.....
A willingness to admit their fault. - Internet = Easier to pass fake emotions around.
Their level of maturity and how they respond to being confronted with their transgression. - Internet = Easier to pass fake emotions around.
A willingness to submit to rightful authority. = ???? Rightful Authority? Is this like..Rehab? Where you have to submit to a higher power(God)?
A williness to change their behavior. = Easier to pass fake emotions around.
And finally the williness to right their wrongs. = Some people are temporary people. Please, get away, do some more.
I forgive, after time..Some things are unforgivable. Some things are simple and 'wipe the dirt from your shoulders' kinda deals. Some things need time.
2008.Nov.27, 12:09 AM
I understand your point tommi (A fine looking individual).
I apply to the game what I apply to real life. Although it may not be in the same context much of it it applicable. Real emotions are displayed and because of that we all react with our reality such as we know it. With all of our collective experiences clarified and expressed within a few sentences.......
We all react differently but for the most part we react the same.....Humanly.........
Captain Obvious has spoken.......LMFAO

I apply to the game what I apply to real life. Although it may not be in the same context much of it it applicable. Real emotions are displayed and because of that we all react with our reality such as we know it. With all of our collective experiences clarified and expressed within a few sentences.......
We all react differently but for the most part we react the same.....Humanly.........
Captain Obvious has spoken.......LMFAO
2008.Nov.27, 06:49 PM
Shotokan Wrote:first off it's insane to tell everyone what you would forgive, who's to say someone down the road wont read this and deside that they can piss off the 20 people that wrote down what is fogivable.I said I forgive pretty much everything but I didn't say after how long??
You're welcome to take the test though