I never know that. Good stuff.
Even if the stats does improve the hideout damage rate, I say its very minor in compare to actual weapon capability.
For example, the blunt weapon. It's hideout damage is horrible. Even with 40+ strength, Dex, or Resistance, you can do an average of 10-20 damage against an hideout. :shock:

yea id say the stats dont improve the attacks a whole lot,but they do help...i figured with my 2 ranks in mil assault i would see better attacks than a higher level player without any skills in mil assault...not the case tho,stats do count..if i can find the mail from zen il post it
redz28 Wrote:yea id say the stats dont improve the attacks a whole lot,but they do help...i figured with my 2 ranks in mil assault i would see better attacks than a higher level player without any skills in mil assault...not the case tho,stats do count..if i can find the mail from zen il post it
Stats def do count quite a bit. I have no ranks in military assault, but can do 55 damage with an SMG.
LOL.. mace!
Nothing is wrong with your comment, but, are you really suggesting that the young player should UP their stats for more hideout damage?
We all know the peacekeeper(SMG) does a fair amount of damage against an hideout for low level range player.
I am trying to post more direct and efficient method here. lol
ZeonOne Wrote:LOL.. mace!
Nothing is wrong with your comment, but, are you really suggesting that the young player should UP their stats for more hideout damage?
We all know the peacekeeper(SMG) does a fair amount of damage against an hideout for low level range player.
I am trying to post more direct and efficient method here. lol
Your maths and methods are much better than mine.
Listen to Zeon people.
Although I would say to the young player to forget about hideout damage all together and up their stats anyway to build a strong character first.
*goes to stand in corner*
i did hit high 30's with a smg when i was lvl with the axe 56 is my best so far..i consistently hit in the 40's...i think mill assault actually raisies your average average is pretty high,,2 ranks in mil assault,,ive hit 400+ damage in 10 hits...i doubt il train for rank 3 as im way behind in my combat skills compared to most..i only have rank 3 in axe,so im training for rank 5 then il get some defense skills up.....BTW people defense skills are good,,, i wouldnt concentrate too much on them unless your a fighter who is undecided on which weapon to use.....zeon has some good info on the first post,,pay attention,he does know what hes talking about,,,,,,,,nice job so far zeon
stats do nothing for hideout hits...its weapon based
each weapon has a potential max
ma per level gives +1 to the max
the other skills dont matter for max but might for average im not sure
all specials hit higher max and with a higher average than the corresponding plain weapon
the only other variable in max hits is engineer cps for increased hideout hits
and for lessening these its hideout hardening, defend repair, and hardening by construction cps
umm you got this info from????
play as long as we have and tested as many weapons as we have and had as many wars as we have.................
orrr,you could mail zen and she will tell you how she built the idea sounds easier