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Full Version: new 30 AP crime
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why to dig up so old thread?
im just mad at how often i fail this crime. even when i upped my intel, stats, and level by a somewhat significant amount, no increase in success rate. stuck at around 75% overall. why would i want to keep at this crime?
(2010.Jan.12 06:48 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]im just mad at how often i fail this crime. even when i upped my intel, stats, and level by a somewhat significant amount, no increase in success rate. stuck at around 75% overall. why would i want to keep at this crime?

what crime do you do?
(2010.Jan.12 03:48 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]why to dig up so old thread?

because i was curious if the exact same subject had been discussed before. so i searched and this came up. apparently the same issue(s) still reign true.

how about upping the minimum on this crime? $1200 sounds reasonable.

make sense to you now, sir raf?
I think if you keep trying you will average about 1200 for that crime. The upper limit is 2000 with a lot of 1600+
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