I guess I was wrong with the max!!
1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside an grey-market business in the Decatur Underground.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.
Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their hidden database and grab client purchasing data. You fence the data for $2667.
we seem to have lost money on this deal marlo.
at least you re-cooped half your losses.
And here comes the other side
1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside an grey-market business in the Decatur Underground.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.
Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their hidden database and grab client purchasing data. You fence the data for $815.
How would you get caught?
so far out of 5 tries my highest is $1540 below is the lowest
1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside a corporate business center in the Midlan District.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.
Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their website database and grab credit card data. You fence the data for $886.
Mock8800 Wrote:How would you get caught?
Ever hear of a honeypot?
its a bit hard when your on wifi to get caught by a honeypot
still, very nice payouts, what oes this crime depend on? couldnt be dexterity could it?
I can't see where anything other then intelligence would apply. But if a honeypot is how you get caught. Then it's possible to get pass the honeypot and get more cash then normal.

Much Thanks for the updates Zenith!
Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their hidden database and grab client purchasing data. You fence the data for $2220.