LordSkie Wrote:I suppose I'm the only one who finds the fact I'm accused of 'always moaning about things' also ironic? 
Well, your posts over the past couple weeks are pretty moany. Bossy too, telling others what they should post and how they should feel.
Should ALers get over themselves? More at 5.
Considering that almost everyone one of those posts was aimed at people who were moaning themselves...
Irony? Pot... kettle... black?
Accusing someone of moaning when all you're doing is bitching yourself (note- not necessarily you) is kinda cute.
Poptart proved that most people just dont get it. Nice work man.
zenith Wrote:Perhaps your humor wasn't funny?
Sometimes sarcasm isn't easy to detect. And sometimes players hide behind it as an excuse to post things they shouldn't. Not so say your posts were bad, but perhaps the mods misunderstood you.
Let's stop all of this perhaps shit and call a spade a spade here. Poptart's second thread was unjustifiably modded and he was outright threatened. Fact.
This time (by this time I am not saying not all other times) the players appear to have it right.
Poptart's first topic was clearly sarcasm. Who would try to do a personal attack on someone by degrading themselves more than the person they are supposedly attacking? That was obvious sarcasm toward w00k...it was actually defending him. It could be deemed a personal attack on an SV member though; maybe that's what Jola meant, but I don't think so.
The second topic..really had no right to be locked given the reason it was locked.
I agree with Conan saying that another mod/admin should be contacted, but concerning the second topic, the mod needs to thoroughly read through the topic as well before making a decision. Maybe the topic shouldn't have been there and should have been locked, but it was clearly not double posting.
I'm a non Fan of censorship at any level!
Also enjoy Poptarts posts! Simply entertaining. Whats more entertaining is the responses that prove people aren't as smart as they think they is! :roll:
I thought poptart's first post was extremely entertaining. In fact, I've not read many of his posts at all that I've disliked, he's quite the comedian.
However I disagree with the way he went about complaining over his thread locked, and it's spiralled into something way more than it needed to be, it's quite a simple matter to talk privately if a mod does something you deem unfair, especially in light of all the forum 'activity' lately. What's so hard to understand about that? Why the need to drag everything out publically?
Because things tend to get perhaps'd and ignored privately.
w00k Wrote:Because things tend to get perhaps'd and ignored privately.
Publicity brings with it a swifter response. Sometimes positive, sometimes negative. In this case, a strong defense by other players.
fair enough, if that happens then make a stand I guess... but it doesn't seem that happens.
I've not had a run in with admin here yet. Sure, it might happen. But from what I've seen, Err and Zen are both more than fair if you're fair with them. If you start proverbially screaming and attacking them, then they're not going to be quick to respond, whereas if you're polite- they're far more inclined to look into the matter seriously. I obviously don't have access to anyone's private conversations, so I can't say how they've been approached, if at all. But for myself and those I know, they've been 100% fair and objective.
Of course, if everyone wants to continue screaming how unfair life is in the forums, be my guest- I'm not in anyway trying to force anyone into behaving differently if they don't want to.