2008.Aug.14, 12:32 AM
2008.Aug.14, 12:54 AM
abysmalpoptart Wrote:my bad, i didn't realize that there was a list of approved forum posters. if i had known this, i would have gladly avoided "breaking the rules."
Actually I think it's more along the lines of those (someone) who thinks they can threaten and get away with it and those (like me) who choose to ignore them and go along my merry way. 8)
2008.Aug.14, 12:57 AM
i don't think mods should be allowed to do that
2008.Aug.14, 01:17 AM
abysmalpoptart Wrote:i dont know why this is, but i am trying to be a comedian here, and i am not even trying to offend anyone (and i dont believe i really am), but i'm being shut out in the process. does this make sense? i really don't believe so.
Perhaps your humor wasn't funny?
Sometimes sarcasm isn't easy to detect. And sometimes players hide behind it as an excuse to post things they shouldn't. Not so say your posts were bad, but perhaps the mods misunderstood you.
2008.Aug.14, 03:41 AM
Let me just start off with saying this. In my opinion you have dealt with this matter poorly, what you should have done is mail Jolabent, and tell her that you meant your thread to be ironic. And that you would be willing to edit your own post to make it more clear for those that doesn't understand or are unable to comprehend irony and sarcasm.
To create a new thread with identical name to explain your point or attack the locking moderator in it usually ends with an almost automatic lock.
We do admit mistakes or are willing to change our decisions just as long as people approach us in a respecting manner.
To create a new thread with identical name to explain your point or attack the locking moderator in it usually ends with an almost automatic lock.
We do admit mistakes or are willing to change our decisions just as long as people approach us in a respecting manner.
2008.Aug.14, 03:45 AM
Actually, the ironic part is that abysmalpoptart proved his ("sarcastic") point that he is a loser with no life. Must have taken a lot of time to type out all those inane messages. Sad
2008.Aug.14, 06:15 AM
abysmalpoptart Wrote:if a mod has a personal grudge against me in some way, it should NOT affect how they treat me as a player or how they treat me on the forums, which is against the rules.
if a mod is personally offended by something that is not deemed generally unacceptable or offensive, maybe that person should address me personally, as i have not broken the rules
a mod should not explicitly threaten a player, especially without a reasonable explanation or without obvious reason.
what is going on here, and why have so many become so trigger happy with the lock gun?
In my own defense, I don't have a personal grudge against you and was in no way threatening you. I apologize that I did not see your sarcasm at all. If anyone knows me at all, they know that I treat every person the same. So if you feel that I was threatening you or locking your thread because I don't like you.....I am sorry.
2008.Aug.14, 06:19 AM
I think he's mainly talking about his second thread getting locked by Mr. Modanewnewba.
2008.Aug.14, 06:29 AM
The mod is out of control and reacting with frustration and emotion instead of logic.
The dam is developing surface cracks.
The dam is developing surface cracks.
2008.Aug.14, 06:33 AM
I suppose I'm the only one who finds the fact I'm accused of 'always moaning about things' also ironic?