2006.Sep.20, 01:43 PM
2006.Sep.20, 02:01 PM
Jack Daniels
2006.Sep.20, 02:08 PM
LuparKoor Wrote:Thoughts?
Thoughts on what?
2006.Sep.20, 02:13 PM
Our Theafers warring progress. I put alot of work into that post, just to be LOL'ed.

2006.Sep.20, 02:53 PM
i really liked that the biggest gang took time and effort into making this tourney, helps out making the game alot more fun.
with or without prizes i hope things like this are sets up once again, although in Elimination Rounds, where evenly matched gangs are up against each other. would be more fun when people like me and maybe even lower level could have a little bit bigger pull on the gang wars.
with or without prizes i hope things like this are sets up once again, although in Elimination Rounds, where evenly matched gangs are up against each other. would be more fun when people like me and maybe even lower level could have a little bit bigger pull on the gang wars.
2006.Sep.20, 02:57 PM
LuparKoor Wrote:..."gnads" (properly spelled "nads", the diminutive form of "gonads") ....
LMAO. Well said sir.
5 level 8's versus a level 14...yes, you're probably correct. However, I just wanted to say that if the levels were a little more comparable, nobody should count out the lover lvs being able to gang up on the higher level, take em out and put them in the hospital for a very long time.
I've actually seen it quite a bit ( although usually in the form of me attacking numerous levels lower than myself, then losing to the last guy cause i was dumb and only had half my health to begin with....
Some really good feedback on the tourney here... sure looked like a lot of fun... i know i was bummed seeing 20 people in the hospital and yet nopt able to jump into the fray.
2006.Sep.20, 04:39 PM
I think everything was good enough but i wouldnt know to much i didnt sign u in time!but i think there should be another one very soon. :roll:
Jack Daniels
2006.Sep.20, 05:45 PM
LuparKoor Wrote:Our Theafers warring progress. I put alot of work into that post, just to be LOL'ed.
Honestly I thought one or two of the theafer gangs could have competed nicely. I thought the KIDZ would win, but I thought your theafers could give them a run for their money. Of course with you(the strongest theafer) being online the majority of the tourney. I knew you guys would have some sort of pre-tourney battleplan as was interested in seeing how you guys played it out. I dont think you guys would have lost respect overall, if you had played your cards right...which i think you guys probably would have. I'd like to see you guys in a future tourney.
2006.Sep.20, 06:59 PM
My only suggestion would be to hold it on a weekend in the future. Not everyone is able to get online at their school/job.
2006.Sep.20, 08:11 PM
Funkonaut Wrote:My only suggestion would be to hold it on a weekend in the future. Not everyone is able to get online at their school/job.
You would be surprised, both Saturday and Sunday combined usually have less traffic than our slowest weekday.