Maybe if the Mods just let a post run and run and run without intervention then all the hate can come out in game.It would stop new topics starting over and over.
Let us have our say! If we wanna front it out in the open for everyone to see, then its better than getting half truths in game.

biffbaffboff Wrote:Maybe if the Mods just let a post run and run and run without intervention then all the hate can come out in game.It would stop new topics starting over and over.
Let us have our say! If we wanna front it out in the open for everyone to see, then its better than getting half truths in game. 
Might I suggest the Almighty email system? Just a suggestion
i dont care if this crap gets me banned
Ush your a bloody trigger finger when it comes to modding ]
Rav you just like to close down a subject even if there is truth within the heated issues in the forum
Jola your too nice for forum matrial
still cant fault you aint seen anything done wrongly
who else am i missing and for the gun and a hug nnnaaaaaa i just want more freedom of speech why should u just say certain stuff in mails why not say what u feel on the forums its aload of shit and yeah i know it is gonna say drek wtf is drek speak english never even heard of the bloody word geezuz christ
ShadowKid Wrote:never even heard of the bloody word geezuz christ
It's "Jesus" and he's the one who died on the cross for our sins.

McCule Wrote:ShadowKid Wrote:never even heard of the bloody word geezuz christ
It's "Jesus" and he's the one who died on the cross for our sins. 
no actually its geezuz there is 2 meanings and tbh i dont give a shit about jesus im not a cristian nor am i a roman catholic
and guess what i dont care about the spelling or the corrections
Don woree I wont a tempt to cerrect you. It's just that beings how you're from England I'd think you'd have English down pat. But that's just my $.02. G'day you bloody wanker chappy or whatever you guys say over there...
no m8 your talking northen shit to me im not from northen england try talk a bit like a londoner and i might understand your attempt and by the way dont mock me G'Day is aussie not english

Thanks for learning me something.