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ShadowKid Wrote:can no one in this game speak freely ffs

I guess not w/out getting hospitalized for it. ^^


speaking your mind freely in many cases over gets you the freedom to enjoy your day in a hospital bed
yep we need more rights Evil


w00k Wrote:frag the rules! talk more drek!

^^ I like that answer very much!

frag them very much!


you can always speak what you want as long as you're willing to accept any consequences that may result


iceman2020 Wrote:you can always speak what you want as long as you're willing to accept any consequences that may result

that's what a wuss would say


Actually that's what logic would tell you. There is nothing restricting us from saying anything. We have to ability to say whatever, but if you, by yourself, go tell a gang in real life that you're gonna beat them up single handedly with your bare hands, you better have already picked out your coffin.


TheGeek Wrote:
ShadowKid Wrote:can no one in this game speak freely ffs

This is not America. It is the almighty Intarweb. Your right to freedom of speech does not exist here. You must conform to the masses and follow the ToS, Rules and Guidelines.

mate i dont give a flying S**T im no yank so no i dont know what the bloody states are like try living in england then we will see if you have a voice if not you guys get it soo good


do u want a gun or a hug
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