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Full Version: Organised crimes
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Can ne1 tell me how long it wud tek to plan these crimes

Gang mug:
abduction: 38 i fink
rob local merchant:
rob warehouse:
rob stripmall:
rob a sm bank: 50hrs

it wud be grt help. fanx


hey rs, not sure on others but i think rob a local merchant is 38 hours


fanx, i'm sure if left long enuf it will be complete


gang mug 24 hrs

warehouse 42 hrs
Stripmall 46 hours
Local Merchant 42 hours
there's another thread around somewhere for this has them all
abduction: 32
I've never seen anyone type like that while trying to be serious.


fanku all


It the nonsensical degradation of the English language. Soon enough we will be surrounded by people who speak in contractions and exclamations only.
Pages: 1 2
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