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Full Version: Organised crimes
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Wow... I wasn't aware that the syntax of English was a requirement for posting on a forums.


You and Shadowkid should start a club.

For your first meeting you guys could read the hooked on phonics and then make rat poison coladas.


RebelSoldier Wrote:Wow... I wasn't aware that the syntax of English was a requirement for posting on a forums.

hey, dont worry bout these guys. lol. we just like to find things to nit-pick, i think. they dont mean anything personal on you.
Oh sorry that I came off really rude and off topic, it's just that we have this trend in Norway also. Norwegian youngster in major cities have begun talking sms language (those that say "lol" and "rolfmao" in real life) and some have even begun adding some foreign accent to their usual norwegian dialect.

I believe however that for each increase in gang crime that the number of hours goes up with 4 or 6 hours, but don't trust me on that. Been awhile since I checked.
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