I think you're gonna have to change up your poll a little bit now 8)
I can reliably do the 13 point car theft, but I've taken up doing a 16 pointer and then I do the 12 pointer if I didn't get busted on the 16. If I got busted on the 16, I use my remaining points trying to get out of jail until I one of the elders busts me out.
me 4-6
its weired
sometimes i crime 6 ,its quite safe and high income
but sometimes i keep failing or easily get caught.
livershot Wrote:I think you're gonna have to change up your poll a little bit now 8)
lol can any1 just tell me if they can do higher crimes than 22 if youve alredy used the poll
I generally mug drifters or shoplift the liquor store for 3ap. A bit more fails, but jailed rarely. I succeed more on the 2ap coin con, but get jailed alot more often.
im lv10 with 23ap.i usually do the Decatur International Airport which takes 6ap but i geuss i need 2 go 4 7ap.
now im lvl 9 with 21 ap,i prefer 5,station pickpocket
I do various car thefts, most of the time I do the 9 point crime 3 times and i usually succeed on all three. if I dont have full ap i do a couple 12 pt crimes and still have a good success ratio.
I stik to the 2-3 AP crimes right now for the success rate. If I land them all with my AP I bank any where from 110 to 150 bucks. Yea it's low, but I don't get put in jail that often nor fail that often.
crime rate wont bring u any benefit
high risk,high reward.
but also u should pick a proper one.not the hardest one.