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Full Version: peace for pacifists/fights for those who like to get dirty
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oh, and i do believe that new wars are a waste of action points, because the existant upgrades for gang do not help players very much. They only have the combat rating. And honestly, i dont know how helpful is it(not criticizing it, just saying that i dont attack too much so i cant tell the diffference).

off-topic: Zen also suggested some new additions for the game. If we will complain about the same things everyday, she will become stressed and very nervous and then she will make mistakes when writing the new codes for the new additions Biggrin

It's obvious that Pullo is veeeery bored, so i suggest we would let Zen to code something for Pullo to keep him busy until she is ready to surprise us with something new :wink:
alinutza Wrote:oh, and i do believe that new wars are a waste of action points, because the existant upgrades for gang do not help players very much.

i said that because i am the only one in my gang that cannot donate real money, and for those that cannot donate, and want to be better in this game and are part of a gang that wants to war a lot, there must be something that their gang does to help them to get money for credits, for example, to buy the donator status. It's one thing when you receive the credits for nothing, than when you buy the credits with the money you made, alone or within the gang. That's my personal opinion.

(message for the Dissidence crew: I am not complaning. It's just my point of view, so please read carefully not to misunderstand)


Mighke Wrote:The stronger players have put in much time and much money. I am speaking for myself when I say I become resentful when that which I worked hard and paid hard for is diminished.

I mean, don't take what I've earned and give it to those who haven't, in an attempt to level the playing field.

If a level playing field is what is necessary though, make it truly level. I would resent and do resent things i've paid for and worked hard for being diminished. Fair's fair. If my stuff is going to be taken away for no better reason than I play long hours and donate, please take everybody's away and make level truly level.

I wouldn't feel resentful if donations simply provided convenience rather than advantage though. Because everyone will actually get what they pay for and it can't be diminished or taken away.
What about people who have invested time and money into a gang only to see it destroyed under the old system?
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