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Im wondering at what lvl did people first do the following things..

Assuming you play melee...

what lvl were you when you first got a combat axe (that includes also having the required stats to equip it)

What about electric axe?

Dyneema trenchcoat?

and Finally what lvl wer eyou when you got (assuming you have) a Villa?


Villa = lvl 22 MAYB... cant remember that far back... then again at lvl 25 when i sold my ranch to get a certain item lol


i've been swing my combat axe since lvl 10 or 11.

still no treanch coat.

could've had the villa twice over but used my credits for other things.
Hiei008 Wrote:and Finally what lvl wer eyou when you got (assuming you have) a Villa?

Just wondering which Villa you're asking about? The midlan Villa? I've had it since lvl 24 I think or lvl 25

I had the rural ranch at lvl 15. Mind i had a great donating ref for awhile and not everyone gets somene who is rich. I got alot of stuff I would never have had on my income but for a certain someone who donated so much to the game. :wink:
Level 8 for my Villa(After straight up two days of busts and going from level 1 to level 8.) Level 12 for my Combat Axe, 18 for my Electric Axe, and the same for my Dyneema Trenchcoat. :>
I have had my knife and cardboardbox since lvl 1...
is that the knife you give me and is still on the hideout wall?


Howlsong Wrote:
Hiei008 Wrote:and Finally what lvl wer eyou when you got (assuming you have) a Villa?

Just wondering which Villa you're asking about? The midlan Villa? I've had it since lvl 24 I think or lvl 25

I had the rural ranch at lvl 15. Mind i had a great donating ref for awhile and not everyone gets somene who is rich. I got alot of stuff I would never have had on my income but for a certain someone who donated so much to the game. :wink:

I was talking about the rural district villa... lol Horo you cant remember "that far back" ummm 4 lvl back is far? lol


lol yea, winter vacation can do this to me, lmao


I strapped on my combat axe when I was level 7. Got my villa when I was level 8, and started sportin' my dyneema when I hit level...11 I think.
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