2008.Jan.25, 04:36 AM
2008.Jan.25, 05:29 AM
iceman2020 Wrote:I understand yes, I'm a fairly new player. And yes, I have just created a small gang without the defense of allies. And yes, I understand the point of the game is to make your gang and family as strong as possible through guild points/funds/credits.[/quote]
But what is it all worth if you got there at the expense of beating up the little people? Have some integrity or courage people. So it may take longer, so it may lead to initial failures (it will also tell much about your clan mates), but for what I know, I will not take a path that leads to power without meaning.
If you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about, I speak of this.
Quote:Current Active Wars
Attacker Defender Declare Time Status Actions
Dark Matter Judgement Day January 23, 2008
Finished Wars
Attacker Defender End Time Winner
Dissidence Judgement Day January 22, 2008, 7:27:58 pm Attacker
Now I understand an easy battle every once in a while, so let me be the first to applaud these two powerful gangs on their meaningless victory. Congratulations on beating up those who stand no chance; I would assume (being new) that you are not merely some cowards afraid to fight someone you may lose to; and that you were just quickly looking for some points.
I come from a game called Kings of Chaos as some of you may have played. It is destroyed now, but at least the players kept their integrity and many times it was reversed (some clan would fight against the odds). There was much more hatred, many more allies and many more enemies. But the one thing that game far surpassed what seems to be common in AL, was respect.
Don't try the excuse "well because it's how it's always been done." Yes, let's use that for slavery and for discrimination. Those should be perfectly legal and ethical because that's how it was always done, granted this is just a game and that was a much more serious issue.
I'm sure this will either be mocked or met with retaliation. So be it. All I wanted to say. And if you took the time to read it all, be careful about mocking it...as apparently it was worth your time to go to the end in some way.
If you think that's bad, it wasn't that long ago that several gangs would farm a smaller gang at once until a change was made to the code that split the points among the winning gangs instead of giving them all full points for the win no matter how little damage they actually did.
There's a food chain in this game. Best to get used to it and work your way up it. The best way to keep from being farmed is to have an active gang that can be ready to battle back most of the time. More than anything else, this game rewards activity.
2008.Jan.25, 07:01 AM
We are active...I'm on too much as it is
(you'll never see my inactivity stretch more than 5 hours.) But an active gang of 4 members where 3 are level 6 or less are not going to compete with a gang of even 10 members lvl 20+
That's kinda stating my "Always has been...should be" falacy. In all honesty I knew that's how the game operated at least by some gangs. I just wanted to see if that's how it was operated by ALL gangs. I wanted to see if there were gangs I would want to ally with that better fit how I play. To me it's perfectly legal, but immoral....but morals are only as important as the person who holds them. One is not to judge another unless they violate universal ones.
Just me rambling. I won't change my play style; I'll always try to compete with similar competitive gangs, and definitely take my losses, but it will prove to me who is a real friend in my gang and who is just there for the winnings. But I won't complain of others. I wish they'd change, but I see that's just how it is.

That's kinda stating my "Always has been...should be" falacy. In all honesty I knew that's how the game operated at least by some gangs. I just wanted to see if that's how it was operated by ALL gangs. I wanted to see if there were gangs I would want to ally with that better fit how I play. To me it's perfectly legal, but immoral....but morals are only as important as the person who holds them. One is not to judge another unless they violate universal ones.
Just me rambling. I won't change my play style; I'll always try to compete with similar competitive gangs, and definitely take my losses, but it will prove to me who is a real friend in my gang and who is just there for the winnings. But I won't complain of others. I wish they'd change, but I see that's just how it is.
2008.Jan.25, 12:25 PM
i'm in the evil gang that attacked judgement day, or is that judgemental day?? I had to fight a war by myself the other morning, and I thought it was awesome!! If you don't like being weak, then get strong
2008.Jan.25, 12:51 PM
Just thought i'd point this out.
If you're a new gang we've been known to war on a new gang just to see what kind of points we get. If the points suck chances are you wont be farmed.
If you're a new gang we've been known to war on a new gang just to see what kind of points we get. If the points suck chances are you wont be farmed.
2008.Jan.25, 01:04 PM
coltfanjay Wrote:i'm in the evil gang that attacked judgement day, or is that judgemental day?? I had to fight a war by myself the other morning, and I thought it was awesome!! If you don't like being weak, then get strong
That was about as useful as a baseball bat would be in a game of tennis. How old are we here? 12, 13, 14?
I've fought two gang wars virtually by myself as well because I told the other members to worry about their accounts and not the gang, though one volunteered to help. So go me?
Btw, Judgemental Day makes no sense unless you're suggesting the entire world will be judgemental for one day. Judgement Day is a more defining term, similar to Independence Day - a once in a lifetime event, with a single person or group of people as a decider of fate or destiny.
Judgemental isn't really a bad thing either unless used falsely; i.e. defamation.
(jÅj-mÄn'tl) pronunciation
2. Inclined to make judgments, especially moral or personal ones
And just so you know...Truth is a defense to defamation.
I said what is done is fine; I realize it is done by all gangs to prosper. And they can do so as they wish of course. I'm just not going to because to me, AND SOLELY ME, it's more satisfying to grow by being battle-tested than by domination. Thought that was fairly resolved. All I see is you're trying to stir up something that was pretty much decided and done with.
2008.Jan.25, 01:16 PM
no, it's just my moral standing is lying down..LOL..it's just a game, my eloquent friend
2008.Jan.25, 01:19 PM
I believe I've acknowledged it is just a game in a previous post. Perhaps not in the same context but with the same intent.
Anything else?
Anything else?
2008.Jan.25, 01:20 PM
no, i lost my thesaurus
2008.Jan.25, 09:06 PM
iceman2020 Wrote:I understand all that. I don't care about winning/losing wars. That's not why we're here. We're retired KoC vets looking to have fun and relax compared to the politics of KoC. (And yes, even this topic would be considered very polite and relaxing compared to those arguments in KoC).
I've just come to realize it's all about being results-oriented and not process oriented here. Something I'll just go ahead an accept. Luckily for all of us this is just a game. If these same people were business leaders or something with a similar impact in real life we'd all be screwed.
This is a game of crime, gang wars, attacks, thievery, etc. What would make you think that players wouldn't do whatever is necessary by any means necessary to make progress in the game?
If you're playing R.I.S.K. and you could rule the world by first wiping out your friend's troops which are holding europe, are you telling me you wouldn't? If your answer is yes, you and your friend both lose because i'm wiping you out in Africa, then I'm overtaking Europe.
When you play a game, most people play to win. You can make alliances which may or may not be loyal. You never know for sure what will happen. THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT A GAME.