Gymboree - 1/19/2007
Back by popular demand. Gym bonuses for tomorrow, plus The Zone trainer! Enjoy!!
Thank you Zen, I have so been looking forward to this. Could you tell? lol.
hahaha theres a party at my house tomorrow, so i can be online pretty much the whole day. Thanks for choosing tomorrow for the gymboree, zen! ^_^
Got to love gymboree!!!!!
Whoopee!! Just happens i have a stat that need Major training lol 8)
hell yeah - thanks zenith!!

cool day... date with the gf, then going out in the town center, then... i'm going to some friends... way sick -_-"
AlienaFerox Wrote:cool day... date with the gf, then going out in the town center, then... i'm going to some friends... way sick -_-"
is this post in the right topic?
filthymick Wrote:AlienaFerox Wrote:cool day... date with the gf, then going out in the town center, then... i'm going to some friends... way sick -_-"
is this post in the right topic?
it's in the right topic, I was reffering to the fact that I will be offline most of the day... and I will not be able to take advantage of this training bonus, that's what I was trying to underline... :roll:
oh, ok then. my mistake. enjoy your day. unfortunatly i'll be at work for an 8 hour chunk of my day, so i can relate to missing a critical number of "the zone" trains.