I'm currently in the military. I convert all my career points to resistance (2199 so far, which is about 2 months worth of points)
Discuss which is better in the long run or short run.
you answered your own question. long run, save and promote.... short term gains, convert.
What it really comes down to is your housing. At lower levels, for non-donators especially, I find it to be integral to stat growth that you convert your CP's into stats.
As you get higher in level and start to buy better property it becomes less important to convert due to the fact that your increased happiness affords you better gym trains.
In the end it is up to you. If you wanna donate and buy the best house your highest accessible district can afford you, start saving those suckers. Othewise, spend that shit son!
i say promote until ur happy with the CP gains, then use them for whatever stat u want
Promathia19 Wrote:i say promote until ur happy with the CP gains, then use them for whatever stat u want
I agree, when you get up to level 4 or higher, the amount of points you get makes it more worthwhile to spend them.
Jolabent Wrote:Promathia19 Wrote:i say promote until ur happy with the CP gains, then use them for whatever stat u want
I agree, when you get up to level 4 or higher, the amount of points you get makes it more worthwhile to spend them.
It sure does. I am starting a new career tomorrow for the stat gain I want. After I get to LVL 4 or LVL 5 I will spend spend spend.
Fractaleyes Wrote:What it really comes down to is your housing.
I dunno... I'm pretty sure that career points have nothing at all to do with housing.
Directly no. But, when leveraging stat growth and CP's one should probably take into account all contributing factors...Right?
But, most of all, apologies Bren for contributing constructive and helpful advice. You seem to be chock full of it...