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Full Version: Spend or Save Career Points?
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Fractaleyes Wrote:What it really comes down to is your housing. At lower levels, for non-donators especially, I find it to be integral to stat growth that you convert your CP's into stats.

As you get higher in level and start to buy better property it becomes less important to convert due to the fact that your increased happiness affords you better gym trains.

In the end it is up to you. If you wanna donate and buy the best house your highest accessible district can afford you, start saving those suckers. Othewise, spend that drek son!

well the problem i see with that is better housing DOES get you better gym gains however... as you get higher and lvls in stats those gym raisn mean nothing almost... for example getting 20 points per full energy train when you need like 3k to lvl a stat.. is no different then getting 1-2 point per full gym train at lower lvls when you need like 500 or so to lvl teh stat..

which is teh dilemia im facing now.. im wondering when will converting job points become quite uneccassry because of gym stats... or more specifically.. around what lvl will i be able to gain 2-3 stats level (in all 4 battle stats) using strictly gym trains (no jobpoints) without the fear of lvling my character before i get all 4 stats to wear i want them.


When you are able to reach the Rural District, level 8 I think, purchasing the Rural Ranch will show you .75 : 1 gym trains, depending on your endurance.

Depending on where your stats currently are this will surely show you the best stat gain without having to level.


Fractaleyes Wrote:But, most of all, apologies Bren for contributing constructive and helpful advice. You seem to be chock full of it... Wink

Ye. chock :? full of it. I gave usefull advice. A house is nothing to do with career points.


Take a look at what the OP is actually asking then read my response.

Then continue to read, if it's not too much trouble, and see the continued conversation, involving both the importance of housing and the need to save/spend carreer points, that is continued on this page.


Forget it. You must be right. You're always right.
Back on topic.

Don't forget about the special abilities most careers provide. The higher the rank of the career, the stronger that ability will be.


i think the point Fractaleyes is trying to make is if you have a good house youll get better stat points for gym trains (for instance i get 20 points per full train) THUS if youre getting high gym trains because of your house then NO you dont need to spend career points on on stats... where as if youre like lvl 120 still in a cardboard box and getting liek 5 points per full energy gym train then yes spending career points on stats will help you a lot... so THATS what housing had to do with "career points"


Thank'y Kindly...


thanx for all the info guys and gals.

i need a ranch.

I'm just using the military career to get resistance now, but now i think i would benefit more from just training those 4 battle stats if i had a ranch (more happiness) and donator days (increased gains). then i'd use those career points for promotions.

thanx for the link
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