Lets get those extremely pricey stim packs reduced in price.If your a new player upto level 10 you could spend all your crime money on 3 stims i.e the equivelent of 1 hospital visit.Does crime pay? No i think only PAYING PAYS. So lets rise up and petition for lower stim costs.
All those wishing to complain about the prices or add there weight to this petition let your voices be heard. Sign up here and sign up now.Player power!
Stop taking trips to the hospital and you will save a ton of cash

This isnt about hospital time its about costs.Stims are a right rip off.Extautionate in price but invaluable. No hijacking this post please just those that want to petition zen for lower stim costs. Inevetably there are going to be players that want the cost of stims to stay ridiculously high (mainly because they have little use for them) but to the vast majority of players lower stims is going to make a huge difference.These are the voices i want to hear.
Sign up now!
Leave things the way they are.
mtngti Wrote:Booooo.
Leave things the way they are.
easy for a Level 43 to say, lol......just saying...
I spent a lot on stims, at the current price, on the way to 43.
Someone wanna issue me a refund for the difference if the price is lowered? I doubt it. Just sayin.
mtngti Wrote:Booooo.
Leave things the way they are.
I'm with vor on this one, the prices have been this way for ages.
If zen gives in to cheaper stims, what next? cheaper guns and armor? prices are the way they are, and its just part of the challenge of the game.
I vote keep the prices the way they are
i vote leave them the way they are as well,i feel it pushes everybody to play more and become strong,there is a old saying "only the strong survive"well get strongier i had to and so did so many others :roll: ,sometimes i get trashed by a srongier player,but it is part of the game
Ya, it kind of like prison, keep your head down, don't make eye contact and become friends with a big guy, then you won't have to worry too much about getting hit.
Stim prices are perfectly reasonable. Unless you're pissing people off, you shouldn't find yourself in the hospital often at all. Maybe when coming back online if you log in at an unfortunate time after someone fought you, but you can easily make $ doing crimes that will more than cover this.