I think stims should stay as they are. I'm the weakest player on this thread and have come online to find myself bandaged up and urinating into a bed pan plenty of times (sometimes in game as well :shock: ). It IS annoying to come online and have no play time, but that's just part of the game...
If stims are lowered so you can buy a ton of them it kind of negates the point of having a hospital at all IMO.
Keep the same prices I say as well. We all were single digits at one time and we paid those prices. Way to put it weathers.

It really bites when people decide to post in threads that the AL community has spoken but if even the lower players say the prices are good as they are than perhaps in this case maybe AL has spoken. Let's see how other lower players post about it.
originally i DID support the lowering of stims, but after reading what every 1 else said, i think they should stay the same. SG is right, every 1 else had to get where they're at with the way things are why shouldn't we?
Actually, when I started the small stims costed 1000 each, and then the economy was tiny compared to what it is now.
It was cut in half, and people cheered and praised Zenith for it.
If the prices was to drop another 30-50%, it would make people take the beatings better.
This is all about how the stronger can manhandle the weaker ones, if the weaker ones would get cheaper stims, it would mean that they have a bigger chance at getting trains and doing crimes while getting hosp'ed or online attacked.
And when the PvP wars/attacks have fewer repercussions that would mean people will be more compelled to go through with them.
I got to say that I personally want the stim pack prices to drop even more, I want gangs to war each on a PVP basis aswell. It makes the whole gang war system more personal if you add player attacks to it. I think it would be fun for low level gangs to experience this.
And it gets personal if people start hosp'ing one another. This game isn't designed for everyone to love each other, and if we are to have more PvP combat, we will have to spend alot more on stims. So dropping prices on stims would encourage that, since the penalty for doing this will be less severe.
This won't change the ability stronger players has to keep people in hospital all day at all. It will merely give the people getting the beatings a choice when to leave the hospital, so that they get a chance at doing something before ending up in hospital again.
i think stims should be avalible in the hospital?
i think it would be very helpful
drec92 Wrote:i think stims should be avalible in the hospital?
i think it would be very helpful
I like this idea! Allow access to the bank from the hospital (for a fee). Stims can then be purchased at the hospital pharmacy / gift shop (at a premium).
Convenience fees, Just like RL... hospital gift shop prices are ridiculous, as are those ATM fees when you don't withdraw funds from your own bank's machine.
It would be good for lower players if the prices were lowered on the stims. However, lowering the prices would mean that a gang can mouth off to another gang and not worry about being in the hospital because now they are paying less for the stims and therefore holding on to more of them.
Maybe if we kept it at the same price for higher players and give the new starting LVL 1s through LVL 5s a chance to purchase some at a reduced cost until they level up it may work. However, there would have to be some kind of code implemented to prevent them from sending stims to higher players so it isn't exploited. However, since that will be alot more work than it is worth we need to keep it at the same price IMO.
Coulndt have put it better santa!.Fully agreed with everything you said there. Except for 1 additional point and that would be that non donators (as this game portrays to be) could afford to join in all the fun of a bloody good war! XD
Scorpious Wrote:It would be good for lower players if the prices were lowered on the stims. However, lowering the prices would mean that a gang can mouth off to another gang and not worry about being in the hospital because now they are paying less for the stims and therefore holding on to more of them.
Maybe if we kept it at the same price for higher players and give the new starting LVL 1s through LVL 5s a chance to purchase some at a reduced cost until they level up it may work. However, there would have to be some kind of code implemented to prevent them from sending stims to higher players so it isn't exploited. However, since that will be alot more work than it is worth we need to keep it at the same price IMO.
I think this is a great idea. New players have the most impossible time of making decent cash (a donation kinda circumvents this). Between saving up for a home, buying that first weapon, and trying to gain xp, stims at 500$ are crazy.
Maybe a stim set-up where only levels 1-10 could purchase or use and cannot be transferable.
No lower leveled gangs wouldn't be able to mouth of to higher leveled gangs, just because of the fact that every 2-3 ticks you can hospitalize people for up to 260minutes.
It does not matter if the stims were made cheaper, it would costs after just a day if people would be dedicated enough to stim out all the time.
And even if the lower leveled gangs could afford stim out all the time, why shouldn't they have the chance to at least try and make an effort to fight back? Since they are lower level they should just accept that they are gonna get beat, without a chance to fight back.
One solution would be that non-donators could get access to non-donator stim packs, which would only work when you are not a donator, and would be sold at 50% of the price. This would bypass the non-donators sending donators discounted stim packs. Cause honestly, non-donators need a perk aswell.